Afternoon Update: CBC the fifth estate will air tonight [check local listings]. Tonight's subject is 'lost on the ice' a call for help unanswered, the story of Burton Winters demise outside Makkovik Labrador.
The weather delayed open house/meet and great/information session/questions and answer meeting between Air Labrador and NGC took place yesterday afternoon.
Tim’s coffee and pasties were enjoyed by all [even me who prefers home made muffins] followed by a short video [produced by OK society] for NGC giving a backgrounder of the company.
This was followed by a presentation by James Thorbourne of NGC and then Philip Earl of Air Labrador.
More on that later.

Cain's Quest is over for another year. The teams at the finish seemed extremely tired and worn out, little wonder.
!8 scratched overall, mechanical problems all, even the winning team was nursing a broken body frame at the end restricting speed to 70 to 80 KPH [no wonder human bodies were warn].
The big story for northern Labrador is that 2 teams from here finished in the top 4 places. Natuashish in 3rd and Hopedale in 4th. It was the first time in the race for Hopedale guys.
An offshoot from all the excitement up here is the big overshadow of the non coverage of the event by CBC NL TV as it wound it's way through the area and into Quebec.
Some nasty things are being said about CBC NL TV, and rightly so. CBC Labrador Morning did a fine coverage of the event, but in this day and age people want to see video.
Some folks are [in half joking manner] saying that next time they are going to buy a camera, take some training courses and video it themselves.
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