Thursday, February 09, 2012

Things are heating up in Makkovik [one O dear Vice Admiral] it seems. The public are being asked to meet on this ice this evening and to bring a candle. Little Peter Cowan from CBC is in town so maybe some video later.

Thought I would share this. The parents of Burton Winters posted the following on Facebook in response to the response from the Government of Canada:

Rod and I need your help. The more help the better. We need our voices heard (we meaning the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, but more specifically the coast of Labrador). Nunatsiavut is our beautiful land with our beautiful people. We cannot allow this treatment to go on further.

DND's 'answers' have been a slap in the face while trying make sense of this and while trying to grieve over Burton.
We need something to take place, maybe a protest or something that will have our community's people together as one to speak up and say this is not acceptable and we will not allow it to continue.

Rod and I will not let this happen to anyone else.
We need help in making something happen. Is there a way to get together to speak out to the media?
Natalie and Rod

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