Thursday, November 01, 2012

Muskrat Falls all day all the time. I just cant get enough of it, so I have decided to head out to sin jawns when the debate goes to the house.

Yes boy, if one of the airlines will non rev me, then a hotel (harbor view) in sin jawns will comp me and one of the bars will free fish n chip (along with refreshments) me then I am off to the HOA for more of the

As you can see in the picture I have picked out my Sunday best for the attendance at the house of the honorable members.


Rick Monaghan said...

Smart fashion statement! Easy to hose off.

Brian said...

My latent message did not get passed you eh Rick.

Shammickite said...

You're looking for non rev? Just borrow Fran's medal, it will get you anywhere.

Sabrina said...

Tyvek (aka bunny suit), great outfit to ensure their 'cooties' don't contaminate you....hope the visit went well!