Friday, August 10, 2012

What a nice day yesterday, 18 near water and 22 up the house.

That’s if you don’t count the fact that a digging crew seems to have busted through an old septic tank up beside the arena and stinking out that part of town.

Further to yesterdays
mention of an unsuccessful fishery this year CKOK has expanded on that.

I was also interviewed by CKOK, asked for my views on the Nutrition North Canada program.

I was reluctant to do the interview at first but after reflection, and since no one in a position of authority would do one, or was not available (my money is on the first option) then someone had to say something.

Because of time restraints there was more I wanted to add. I will add some of it here.

I don’t have the evidence, just my observations, but it seems the fresh fruit and vegetables are reasonably priced in comparison with Goose Bay.

The variety could do with improvement, especially at BigLand but then you have to consider the logistics of getting fresh foods in here. That is where discussions have to take place on the shipping issue, both air and sea. That area has regressed back to the dark ages.

The main beef I have is in the pricing of meats and chicken, both fresh and frozen. Plus dairy and pasta and other items covered by NNC and piggy backed by the Provincial subsidy (I neglected to add in the winter months only, except milk all year)

Other communities have more fish to fry with NNC and the Provincial subsidy judging by anecdotal evidence.

There are no checks on eligibility and quality and condition of foods prior to shipping out of GB. There was under the old program.

Plus the fact that food freight and passengers sometime are on the same plane.  Who ya gunna accommodate, the passengers comfort or the freights temperature, cant do both.

Then we come to personal orders. In all other jurisdictions covered by NNC people have the option of making personal orders with retailers or wholesalers in the south.

Not so here, no retailer outside the coast has signed up for NNC, and the two wholesalers in Goose Bay do not do personal orders. Why one could be excused for thinking conspiracy theories as to why that is.

I will finish off  by linking to this decision by the James Bay Cree. That is not far from Nunatsiavut, it raises the question of what the Nunatsiavut Government will do come decision time on uranium mining here.  

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