I'm fading to black in honor of the mighty Mista Shipu and its pending demise.
And in honor of the people who have the guts to make a stand at the attach on democracy for the sake of the almighty god damn $
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
A first, an anomaly and on to the unethical bordering on the illegal.
A first for the new provincial minister for works services and transport. An interview with CBC HV_GB on marine transport.
The message has not changed from his predecessor, just a more reasoned sounding approach.
Still that does not get us to the point of dealing with the aged and ailing vessels at our disposal, looks like more of the status quo for the foreseeable future.
The anomaly is of the Nunatsiavut Government doing a media event in the fine city of St. Johns. Actually doing a media event anywhere for NG is news of and in itself. Maybe things are to change.
The video is longish but worth the time for a number of reasons.
By the sound of the responses from government and Nalcor the next steps maybe taken up the steps of the law courts.
Unethical just does not seem the right word to describe the goings on of our MP in Ottawa, both pre and post his election.
If APTN has the bone then they are going to chew on it it till the marrow is sucked out. At least there can be no accusations of white liberal media biases.
As I maintained all along, this guy is in the doo doo he is in mainly due to dealings with bottom feeding unethical white guys with dollars flashing before their eyes, plus his own low ethical standards and dollars flashing before his eyes.
A first for the new provincial minister for works services and transport. An interview with CBC HV_GB on marine transport.
The message has not changed from his predecessor, just a more reasoned sounding approach.
Still that does not get us to the point of dealing with the aged and ailing vessels at our disposal, looks like more of the status quo for the foreseeable future.
The anomaly is of the Nunatsiavut Government doing a media event in the fine city of St. Johns. Actually doing a media event anywhere for NG is news of and in itself. Maybe things are to change.
The video is longish but worth the time for a number of reasons.
By the sound of the responses from government and Nalcor the next steps maybe taken up the steps of the law courts.
Unethical just does not seem the right word to describe the goings on of our MP in Ottawa, both pre and post his election.
If APTN has the bone then they are going to chew on it it till the marrow is sucked out. At least there can be no accusations of white liberal media biases.
As I maintained all along, this guy is in the doo doo he is in mainly due to dealings with bottom feeding unethical white guys with dollars flashing before their eyes, plus his own low ethical standards and dollars flashing before his eyes.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Cultural Center part 6.
There was a public information session on the proposed Cultural Center yesterday afternoon. In reality it is not proposed, more like a done deal.
Not a bad crowd, mostly NG, Parks Canada and community government people. Just over a hand full of public.
That did not stop a lively and probing question period. Pity no questions about the validity of the process leading up to the site chosen. Has anyone being following the Rob Ford legal issue in Toronto?
I digress; the session was opened by the minister responsible for Culture. He gave a spiel, more like spin, of the reasons the site was chosen. Things like historically significant, has place in the heart of the Inuit of Nain, used to be a community when Inuit were still living traditional life styles.
I have no doubt that well may be, which raises the questions of; why no community dialogue in the lead up to the site being chosen. Why no community dialogue in the lead up to site preparation work.
Why was it used as a small boat work area and failed several attempts at building small boat wharfs these last decades.
Why have the towns burgers decided to go ahead and plonk a modern concrete, rock gravel, steel, wood, glass structure on an allegedly site of such cultural significance with out any dialogue with the community, or the region of Nunatsiavut for that matter.
Anyway enough of my silly little questions.
There were two people from the architectural firm and two from the engineering firm present. The architectural guy did most of the background talk about vision of the design leading into the changing engineering process and the shrinking size of the building as costs rose, as is the usual with these things.
The number of pylons to be driven into the ground has gone from around 20 to 100. The depth of these pylons will be in the 60 feet range, penetrating the permafrost and into a stable load holding base beneath. At least that is the hope.
The building basement has also been raised a couple of feet to accommodate any possible rise in the sea levels due to global warming. I think I touched on these points in previous posts.
The interior size has shrunk as previously mentioned, there will be offices for Parks Canada and Torngasok Cultural center people. A 90 seat theater, kitchen, areas for craft sales and a public eating area.
The majority area will be for exhibits, I’m not sure if static or changing. This area will be a public space as well with broad open views of the harbor, seating and an indoor fireplace.
Some Torngasok staff questioned why not all of them will be accommodated in the new building. The answer was *just the staff who have contact with public will be accommodated*. Ouch.
Outside will be a wooded type space thing around the circumferences of the building leading on to a stepped rock and gravel area sloping down to the water.
An open fireplace and the steps of about two feet high are to encourage community activity such as sitting around and contemplating while looking out at the water. At least this is the vision of the designers.
Community members have a different vision of it. Concerns about safety of children, concerns about kids hanging around the fireplace in the evenings. Not like kids have not been up to no good with previous new buildings, just look at the state of the Okalakatiget Society building, the Husky center, all the broken windows in the school, the two previous government buildings and on and on.
So the concerns are real, but alas the visionaries seem to be paying little credence to these concerns.
Concerns were stressed on the geophysics of the area, the possibility of sea water as well as water from the land encroaching on the site.
These concerns were not made light of but the engineers and architects seem confident that mitigation's like raising the height of the footings and the pylons will suffice.
So from bottom to top we have 100 steel pylons, these are joined together where the floor will start, then steel stanchions raised to the roof height. There will be a heated space under the floor.
Large I type floor joists will tie it all in then flooring (not sure what type), 8 inch wooden studs for the exterior walls with large glass windows on the sea side and treated lumber on the town side.
Looks like a flat roof with a good amount of skylights in areas not having natural light from the windows. Not sure about this concept in winter.
Heating bills will be augmented by some solar panels, mainly to heat water to kitchen and washrooms. Large black heat absorbing fin like panels will be installed, I am not sure where exactly.
I neglected to ask about cooling in summer, and air re distribution, it is going to get bloody hot with those large triple glazed windows.
Outside we have the rock, gravel terraced down to the waters edge.
Seems like the engineers have taken care to adapt as discovery of soil and geophysics work was taking place. Only big question is, why?. There were other locations with less vulnerability to the ever changing environmental conditions. These would have required less ground preparation for less cost to mitigate leading to more dollars for the actual building.
Some asked about local employment. As usual this was not handled well by the powers that be.
The post construction phase should garner some local jobs in the lower paid area.
But the construction jobs was danced around, the best that anyone could come up with was, *see the contractors when the job starts*. Well we all know how that has worked in the past don’t we.
In closing, the architects promised more community dialogue as work on the design of the exhibits progresses and what should be incorporated outside the structure such as carvings and such. Not sure who will be the target of the dialogue, sure hop it encompassed more people than any dialogue to date.
Interesting that the power brokers behind all this did not dialogue their intentions of more dialogue with the public.
Update: Here is an interview CKOK radio did with the NG minister responsible for the culture on the public consultation and the cultural center itself. Inuktitut first as it should be.
Who’s on first is playing again on the Labrador coast.
Remember yesterday I mentioned that the Astron was heading back to Goose Bay from Rigolet instead of doing the advertised scheduled run up the coast.
The word that came from our MHA after talking to someone at WST was that Astron unloaded some equipment in Rigolet and was going back to Goose Bay to empty out the shed of freight and head back up calling into Makkovik then points north.
I was thinking that was a load of BS……………….. turns out it was a load of BS.
Issued this morning on the CIA- Nunatsiavut we site is that the Astron has an ETA of 6:00 am Nain on the 29th, then ports south to Lewisport.
I will capture the report instead of linking as it could change at any moment, Abbott and Costello anyone?
The word that came from our MHA after talking to someone at WST was that Astron unloaded some equipment in Rigolet and was going back to Goose Bay to empty out the shed of freight and head back up calling into Makkovik then points north.
I was thinking that was a load of BS……………….. turns out it was a load of BS.
Issued this morning on the CIA- Nunatsiavut we site is that the Astron has an ETA of 6:00 am Nain on the 29th, then ports south to Lewisport.
I will capture the report instead of linking as it could change at any moment, Abbott and Costello anyone?
Astron (Freighter)
Thursday, Nov. 29th
ETA Nain 06:00 am
Next port(s) of call: Points south to Lewisporte
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Well that little warming trend soon got blown away out to sea din it?
+1 yesterday morning to -11 today with -23 wind chill, winds gusting to 76, poor old air line passengers cant get a break.
Going to be icy underfoot, the roads were all slushy snow and ice under yesterday, council was laying sand on hilly areas, now with all that combined things will be tricky, but what is life without some challenges?
The Aston is due Rigolet 6:30 this morning, if the winds persist it could be held up again on way up coast. Then it has to get back to Lewisport for another run up.
Update: Well the Astron made it to Rigolet, now it is headed back to HV-GB with an ETA of 6:30 pm according to the CAI-Nuntasiavut web site.
No need to panic or get stressed, the government has it all under control.
+1 yesterday morning to -11 today with -23 wind chill, winds gusting to 76, poor old air line passengers cant get a break.
Going to be icy underfoot, the roads were all slushy snow and ice under yesterday, council was laying sand on hilly areas, now with all that combined things will be tricky, but what is life without some challenges?
The Aston is due Rigolet 6:30 this morning, if the winds persist it could be held up again on way up coast. Then it has to get back to Lewisport for another run up.
Update: Well the Astron made it to Rigolet, now it is headed back to HV-GB with an ETA of 6:30 pm according to the CAI-Nuntasiavut web site.
No need to panic or get stressed, the government has it all under control.
Monday, November 26, 2012
No fly weekend
with fog, light snow, light rain, low clouds you name it we had it.
In my back and forth twittering with one of the air lines it came to my attention that Nav Canada Wx cams are badly needed and should be installed in all the coastal communities.
Environment Canada often does not give precise information on ceilings and visibility, and with constant changes like this weekends the Wx cams would be an invaluable extra tool for the air lines.
There are only 4 Wx cams in all of Labrador, two of them on the north coast.
Time for the community councils and other players to start lobbying for this to change. Even if cams are installed outside of Nav Can it would be a way for the airlines to log in and check the local conditions regularly.
Update: Same conditions today as well, same result with airlines not sure if they can get into Nain.
In my back and forth twittering with one of the air lines it came to my attention that Nav Canada Wx cams are badly needed and should be installed in all the coastal communities.
Environment Canada often does not give precise information on ceilings and visibility, and with constant changes like this weekends the Wx cams would be an invaluable extra tool for the air lines.
There are only 4 Wx cams in all of Labrador, two of them on the north coast.
Time for the community councils and other players to start lobbying for this to change. Even if cams are installed outside of Nav Can it would be a way for the airlines to log in and check the local conditions regularly.
Update: Same conditions today as well, same result with airlines not sure if they can get into Nain.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
A very good article contained in Up Here magazine on the lady who is the power behind Feeding My family Facebook page.
Leesee Papatsie and others are proof positive that individuals can make a difference, and community activist is not a dirty word as some milquetoast brown nosing status quo recidivists around here would have people believe.
Leesee Papatsie and others are proof positive that individuals can make a difference, and community activist is not a dirty word as some milquetoast brown nosing status quo recidivists around here would have people believe.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Its harp harp harp on marine shipping time again.
Every year this happens, and every year there is more and more reason to harp as every year the service deteriorates.
This year we have the Nunatsiavut government harping (an anomaly of sorts) the concerns that the people on the coast have about receiving the winters freight.
We also have the MHA for the region using social media very well and speaking to the house and to the minister about the same concerns, plus claiming (I have no reason to doubt the claim) that there is a back log of freight in both Lewisport and Goose Bay.
Then we have silence from the government of the province but doubling troubling is the total silence from the minister responsible for this file. Also troubling is that CIA- Nunatsiavut (the contracted operators of the one vessel left) is saying that there is no backlog.
If it can be proved that there is a backlog then CAI-N should be given a big kick up the arse, they are after all majority owned by the people of the Torngats, rather than a bunch of pencil pushing know bugger all civil servants..
It just highlights the contempt these Island centric politicians have for the people of the Torngats in particular and for Labrador in general.
That folks is my harp harp harp for the day………………… but maybe not seeing as the day has barely begun.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
It is becoming increasingly obvious that relations between the Nunatsiavut Government and the Provincial Government continue to be a paternalistic one. No prizes for guessing who is on top has the father figure role.
Since the new Minister of Works and Services took over NG has issued two press releases and numerous other representations (so we are told) pertaining to the state of Marine shipping, not one response, at least that is known to the public, this is the latest presser.
Since the new Minister of Works and Services took over NG has issued two press releases and numerous other representations (so we are told) pertaining to the state of Marine shipping, not one response, at least that is known to the public, this is the latest presser.
November 21, 2012
For Immediate Release
Concerns continue to
rise as shipping season nears end
Nunatsiavut Government is calling on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
to ensure all freight is shipped to northern Labrador communities before the
season comes to an end.
“We have
made numerous requests, in writing and verbally, for another vessel to
complement the Astron,” says First Minister Darryl Shiwak. “We are at a crucial
time in the year when residents and businesses in Nunatsiavut are completely
dependent on goods and supplies for the winter. While the provincial government
has given us a guarantee that all freight will be delivered, based on our
experiences we are very concerned that this will be the
Shiwak says he’s concerned that some freight will be left
“This has
been one of the worst years ever for the marine service,” he says. “Given the
situation, the Astron is doing a good job, but it can only do so much. If that
vessel breaks down, or if there are delays because of weather, then we run the
risk of not having essential goods and supplies shipped to our communities this
Minister is once again calling on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to
replace the MV Northern Ranger, which broke down in early September, with a new,
modern vessel – one that is capable of serving the long-term needs of northern
Bert Pomeroy
Director of Communications
Considering the ministers lack of interest on issues in Labrador within his departments mandate I now take back the nice things I said about him when we met at Frans O.N.L investiture. He is like his predecessor, an Island centric partisan hack, albeit less prone to verbal diarrhea.
Sadly this is not the only file where meetings between the two governments lead to zero, in many cases they just lead to layoffs and cut backs in funding for much needed programs and services.
I just wish someone would come out and just put the cards on the table and be truthful about what is going on. Sadly again, governments dont deal in truthfulness and oneness.
The provincial governments finances are in dire straights, but we continue to be barraged with hype and propergander and its full steam ahead to invest future generations well being in in the folly of Muskrat Falls hydro development.
The overnight and morning temps are not good for this time of year. +4 is the opposite to what most people are looking for. Freezing temps and then lots of snow mid December is the ask.
Stupid formatting again, not it doing it all over again.
Stupid formatting again, not it doing it all over again.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Kind of a disrupted day yesterday ending with reasonably good results, time will tell.
Started out I had an 11 O’clock meeting set up with three people from Nutrition North Canada.
No weather delays but airline fleet issues let to the NNC charter leaving Goose Bay later than intended.
So the NNC board of advisers and NNC staff did not arrive in Nain till about 12:45. Lunch dash strategy meeting followed by meetings with other folks had my meeting set back to 5:30, while the three people eat, but that’s OK, got to put some of my thoughts out.
NNC had a public meeting at 7 pm in the NG board room. I think most people were not expecting a great turn out, history tells us that, but lo n behold around 45 people plus the NNC people were in attendance, standing room only and chivalry is a thing of the past. Age justified my seat.
It was an eclectic mix of people, about 50 50 of local residents and a lot of women who I have no clue who they were. I suspect most worked in health field either for NG or Labrador Grenfell Health. There was defiantly more NG department people that others, but that is the way it should be. Well not less others but NG staff have been notoriously missing at many public meetings that are in their field of interest.
Each retail store had representatives present and the heads of NG and Community Governments were present, and rightly so.
What came out of all this? Time will tell as usual, but there was a good exchange of ideas and concerns and the NNC people had a chance to see first hand the good and the ugly of the stores we shop in daily.
Noticed were little or no labeling of many of the NNC subsidy items in one store in particular (BigLand). Dated items like bread (best before Nov 9, store not stated). They noticed the ridiculously small and unattractive space at the back of the store (BigLand) where fruits and vegetables are displayed.
Also noticed was lack of product and the state of product on display (Bigland). Mind you it was a week since the last shipment, but nothing was on sale to help move it off the shelf.
Also noticed were the discrepancies of prices between stores on many items covered under the NNC and provincial subsidies.
A lively discussion insured over this at the public meeting, not sure if the explanations were all that well received by the public. But NNC seemed to be listening.
Will update later.
Later: Kind of a disrupted day yesterday ending with reasonably good results, time will tell.
Started out I had an 11 O’clock meeting set up with three people from Nutrition North Canada.
No weather delays but airline fleet issues let to the NNC charter leaving Goose Bay later than intended.
So the NNC board of advisors and NNC staff did not arrive in Nain till about 12:45. Lunch dash strategy meeting followed by meetings with other folks had my meeting set back to 5:30, while the three people eat, but that’s OK, got to put some of my thoughts out.
NNC had a public meeting at 7 pm in the NG board room. I think most people were not expecting a great turn out, history tells us that, but lo n behold around 45 people plus the NNC people were in attendance, standing room only and chivalry is a thing of the past. Age justified my seat.
It was an eclectic mix of people, about 50 50 of local residents and a lot of women who I have no clue who they were. I suspect most worked in health field either for NG or Labrador Grenfell Health. There was defiantly more NG department people that others, but that is the way it should be. Well not less others but NG staff have been notoriously missing at many public meetings that are in their field of interest.
Each retail store had representatives present and the heads of NG and Community Governments were present, and rightly so.
What came out of all this? Time will tell as usual, but there was a good exchange of ideas and concerns and the NNC people had a chance to see first hand the good and the ugly of the stores we shop in daily.
Noticed were little or no labelling of many of the NNC subsidy items in one store in particular (BigLand). Dated items like bread (best before Nov 9, store not stated). They noticed the ridiculously small and unattractive space at the back of the store (BigLand) where fruits and vegetables are displayed.
Also noticed was lack of product and the state of product on display (Bigland). Mind you it was a week since the last shipment, but nothing was on sale to help move it off the shelf.
Also noticed were the discrepancies of prices between stores on many items covered under the NNC and provincial subsidies.
A lively discussion insured over this at the public meeting, not sure if the explanations were all that well received by the public. But NNC seemed to be listening.
To encapsulate; NNC officials are not up to speed on the vagaries and differences of the workings of the NNC program in Labrador compared to elsewhere in the north.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
mumbo jumbo
Mumbo jumbo man is back lowering the bar yet again.
Unfortunately this guy has his supporters, both in supporting his behavior at hockey rinks and his attitude to constituents that do not agree with him on the political front.
There is an interesting interview on CBC Lab Morning with a fan who was at the two games where Russell lost his mojo.
I will post a link when it is up, guys like this have no place in public forums nor government.
Unfortunately this guy has his supporters, both in supporting his behavior at hockey rinks and his attitude to constituents that do not agree with him on the political front.
There is an interesting interview on CBC Lab Morning with a fan who was at the two games where Russell lost his mojo.
I will post a link when it is up, guys like this have no place in public forums nor government.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Pizza snob
One of my best, but I keep saying that dont I?
This one I took more time over. Focaccia bread dough rolled super thin, caramelized onions, salami, olives, fresh basil, fresh spinach, fresh tomatoes, mushrooms and three cheeses.
I was debating anchovies but decided against, maybe too many taste sensations, will have to find out next time.
Weather is seasonal, still the wind is a bugger, in the minuses for the most part. That is supposed to change mid week with projected high of +6 and low of -3.
This one I took more time over. Focaccia bread dough rolled super thin, caramelized onions, salami, olives, fresh basil, fresh spinach, fresh tomatoes, mushrooms and three cheeses.
I was debating anchovies but decided against, maybe too many taste sensations, will have to find out next time.
Weather is seasonal, still the wind is a bugger, in the minuses for the most part. That is supposed to change mid week with projected high of +6 and low of -3.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Windiest kind of day yesterday, and on the day Carter bear and his fam jam were due to fly in.
First off Nain was out as far as planes landing so fam jam planned to stay home and try again today. Then it was decided that fam jam would get off the plane in Hopedale and fly to Nain Monday.
Mid flight the winds picked up and fam jam and Carter bear could not land in Hopedale so ended up back in Goose Bay.
As to Nain, the winds were brutal. Official 100 clicks with gusts to 105. But, an Environment Canada peep who twitters had the highest gust to 124 clicks for Nain.
I'm inclined to not doubt the EC peep, when we were coming back from the stores Siutik and I were blown backwards and peppered with blowing gravel in one nasty gust.
Good news for local sports fans; the Nain mens Huskies volley ball team won the regional finals yesterday. The finals were played over in Western Labrador. Next stop the Provincial finals.
Update: Carter bear and is fam jam made it in about 12, windy and clear but hell of a lot less wind than yesterday,
Unfortunately G Grandma had time for a quick kiss and a hug and boarded the plane Carter arrived on, she heading for Rigolet for women's group seniors workshops.
First off Nain was out as far as planes landing so fam jam planned to stay home and try again today. Then it was decided that fam jam would get off the plane in Hopedale and fly to Nain Monday.
Mid flight the winds picked up and fam jam and Carter bear could not land in Hopedale so ended up back in Goose Bay.
As to Nain, the winds were brutal. Official 100 clicks with gusts to 105. But, an Environment Canada peep who twitters had the highest gust to 124 clicks for Nain.
I'm inclined to not doubt the EC peep, when we were coming back from the stores Siutik and I were blown backwards and peppered with blowing gravel in one nasty gust.
Good news for local sports fans; the Nain mens Huskies volley ball team won the regional finals yesterday. The finals were played over in Western Labrador. Next stop the Provincial finals.
Update: Carter bear and is fam jam made it in about 12, windy and clear but hell of a lot less wind than yesterday,
Unfortunately G Grandma had time for a quick kiss and a hug and boarded the plane Carter arrived on, she heading for Rigolet for women's group seniors workshops.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
A weekend change of pace for brekky. Crepes, snags, strawberries maple syrup.

Couple of local stories regionally speaking.
First one is local, not a big bust as drug busts go but not bad for a town of 1300 removed from any roads and by the way it is going removed from any marine access, but I digress. The other regional and in keeping with how things seem to be spiraling out of control for the once proud mounted Mountie. They are after all only human.
Back to the drug bust, anyone with a functioning brain should be aware that drugs are an issue in this town. How large an issue is not known to me, but I an sure it is known to others, and they apparently are not saying.
The drugs in this bust were packaged ready for re sale, if the authorities got a whiff that the drugs were coming in then does it not stand to reason that it may be known who shipped them?
The alleged perk is just a little cog in the big wheel, which makes me wonder why no discussion is taking place in the province, and indeed the county, along the lines that is taking place in other jurisdictions, namely several states in the US of A at the moment.
I am not a user of any drugs, leaving aside the odd Advil, but there may come a time when medicinal marihuana could be a choice in treating some illness that may come my way. I sure would like to have that option rather than having some of the drugs within the status quo medical profession fostered on me.
We I had a break from cooking last evening and had a nice meal and wine at the Atsanik, only gone just over two hours and when we came home Siutik was all sooky and all over me as if we had been gone six weeks.
First one is local, not a big bust as drug busts go but not bad for a town of 1300 removed from any roads and by the way it is going removed from any marine access, but I digress. The other regional and in keeping with how things seem to be spiraling out of control for the once proud mounted Mountie. They are after all only human.
Back to the drug bust, anyone with a functioning brain should be aware that drugs are an issue in this town. How large an issue is not known to me, but I an sure it is known to others, and they apparently are not saying.
The drugs in this bust were packaged ready for re sale, if the authorities got a whiff that the drugs were coming in then does it not stand to reason that it may be known who shipped them?
The alleged perk is just a little cog in the big wheel, which makes me wonder why no discussion is taking place in the province, and indeed the county, along the lines that is taking place in other jurisdictions, namely several states in the US of A at the moment.
I am not a user of any drugs, leaving aside the odd Advil, but there may come a time when medicinal marihuana could be a choice in treating some illness that may come my way. I sure would like to have that option rather than having some of the drugs within the status quo medical profession fostered on me.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Something a little different (for us) last evening; wineless chicken cacciatore, having no wine I substituted beer.

The Astron is creeping its way up the coast leaving damaged freight and not leaving freight as it goes.
In one part a ski doo destined for a port further up the coast was dropped from height onto the deck, pity the poor bugger who is waiting for it.
In Hopedale one of the relatives was anxiously waiting for a new washer to arrive. They had been without a washer for some time so excitement was in the air when they were informed that said washer was on the boat.
After the boat departed and the relative went looking for the washer it was discovered there was no washer, it was still on the boat.
Now the washer goes rest of the way up the coast and back down the coast to Lewisport then up the coast again and this time hopefully dropped off (not literally) in Hopedale.
The sad part is that these two incidences described above are not an anomaly, they are more the norm.
I hear that the last day to ship goods out of Lewisport and anywhere else is this Friday.
This is another anomaly as in all previous years the closure dates varied between Lewisport and Goose Bay and the coast.
The Astron is creeping its way up the coast leaving damaged freight and not leaving freight as it goes.
In one part a ski doo destined for a port further up the coast was dropped from height onto the deck, pity the poor bugger who is waiting for it.
In Hopedale one of the relatives was anxiously waiting for a new washer to arrive. They had been without a washer for some time so excitement was in the air when they were informed that said washer was on the boat.
After the boat departed and the relative went looking for the washer it was discovered there was no washer, it was still on the boat.
Now the washer goes rest of the way up the coast and back down the coast to Lewisport then up the coast again and this time hopefully dropped off (not literally) in Hopedale.
The sad part is that these two incidences described above are not an anomaly, they are more the norm.
I hear that the last day to ship goods out of Lewisport and anywhere else is this Friday.
This is another anomaly as in all previous years the closure dates varied between Lewisport and Goose Bay and the coast.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
He never did did e?
And the guy under the bus does not know anything about it either. Mind you a comfortable and lucrative place to be under the CNLOPB bus
And the guy under the bus does not know anything about it either. Mind you a comfortable and lucrative place to be under the CNLOPB bus
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Yesterday started out fine and dandy weather wise. Planes on the go playing catch up with passengers both ways and freight coming into the coast. The provincial court circuit staff had been stuck here since Friday.
Then sort of out of the blue a front moved in with light snow and closed down on Nain and other communities. Planes had to deal with freezing conditions at altitude, some turned back to Goose Bay and others who were closer to their destinations and found holes in the clouds got down safely.
On the water things were status quo, nothing moving.
The Astron had been at the dock in Goose Bay storm bound, it had an ETA Rigolet of 7pm last evening.
The fund raiser for the Seniors Van mentioned yesterday realized $1,538:50.
Kudos to all those who organized and worked hard to put this on and to the people who donated food items or cash.
Now here is a great recipe just geared to today's rush rush world (not), poached eggs that take up to 2 hours to cook. Or perhaps it is geared to today's uber rich who can place an order a day ahead and pop in for breky on the way to the hairdresser.
Today is PP day, Our beleaguered Member in Ottawa is going to explain all the overspending and alleged illegal fund raising during the last election to his constituents some time today.
From what I can ascertain on social media no media are invited, there is no venue set and no time st for this great revelation.
Important upertydate:
On PP day, lady was just on CBC Labrador morning, she called PP this morning as he had not replied to her e mail of last week asking where and when the explanation would be.
PP told said lady that he had meet with some people last evening and is intending on meeting with some more people today.
Lady asked about a public meeting, PP said if any one want to contact him they can either e mail him, sent a snail mail or call his cell phone, he gave her his cell number.
The hole is getting deeper, time to start back fill by sound of things.
Super duper important upertydate:
PP had no intentions of meeting with his constituents as he had most of the country believe. Instead he issues a press release.
Talk about PP Pee Peeing allover his constituents and pushing his election official agent under the bus.
By that criteria I guess his ex official agent has no business in the job he was appointed to after PP won the election.
Then sort of out of the blue a front moved in with light snow and closed down on Nain and other communities. Planes had to deal with freezing conditions at altitude, some turned back to Goose Bay and others who were closer to their destinations and found holes in the clouds got down safely.
On the water things were status quo, nothing moving.
The Astron had been at the dock in Goose Bay storm bound, it had an ETA Rigolet of 7pm last evening.
The fund raiser for the Seniors Van mentioned yesterday realized $1,538:50.
Kudos to all those who organized and worked hard to put this on and to the people who donated food items or cash.
Now here is a great recipe just geared to today's rush rush world (not), poached eggs that take up to 2 hours to cook. Or perhaps it is geared to today's uber rich who can place an order a day ahead and pop in for breky on the way to the hairdresser.
Today is PP day, Our beleaguered Member in Ottawa is going to explain all the overspending and alleged illegal fund raising during the last election to his constituents some time today.
From what I can ascertain on social media no media are invited, there is no venue set and no time st for this great revelation.
Important upertydate:
On PP day, lady was just on CBC Labrador morning, she called PP this morning as he had not replied to her e mail of last week asking where and when the explanation would be.
PP told said lady that he had meet with some people last evening and is intending on meeting with some more people today.
Lady asked about a public meeting, PP said if any one want to contact him they can either e mail him, sent a snail mail or call his cell phone, he gave her his cell number.
The hole is getting deeper, time to start back fill by sound of things.
Super duper important upertydate:
PP had no intentions of meeting with his constituents as he had most of the country believe. Instead he issues a press release.
Talk about PP Pee Peeing allover his constituents and pushing his election official agent under the bus.
By that criteria I guess his ex official agent has no business in the job he was appointed to after PP won the election.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Windy weekend getting up to 100 k gusts, kept planes grounded to all the coast and the freight boat Astron was delayed leaving Goose Bay.
Spent Sunday moving some snow but mostly doing some baking for a fund raiser event today. Peanut butter choc chip cookies and baguettes are pictured.
The recreation department of the town council acquired funds to purchase a van to aid seniors in getting around town for appointments and the like. The bulk of the funds to purchase the van came from the International Grenfell Association.
The funds came up a bit short by about 8 grand, so there is a fund raising program that will be on going as wages for a driver and such have to be found yet.
Today in the school gym a bake sale along with soup and chilli and stuff will start at noon. I am told the van will be on display as well, she came in on the last freight boat. Lots of little things to be worked out on the operation of the van so it wont be put into service until next summer.
Update: Droped off the donations at the gym, lots of goodies coming in prior to the sale, checked out the van which is parked outside the entrance.

The recreation department of the town council acquired funds to purchase a van to aid seniors in getting around town for appointments and the like. The bulk of the funds to purchase the van came from the International Grenfell Association.
The funds came up a bit short by about 8 grand, so there is a fund raising program that will be on going as wages for a driver and such have to be found yet.
Today in the school gym a bake sale along with soup and chilli and stuff will start at noon. I am told the van will be on display as well, she came in on the last freight boat. Lots of little things to be worked out on the operation of the van so it wont be put into service until next summer.
Update: Droped off the donations at the gym, lots of goodies coming in prior to the sale, checked out the van which is parked outside the entrance.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Yesterday was test kitchen time. Matter of fact there will be more test kitchen times in coming months seeing how I did not make a winter food order. Cant remember the last year I did not make one, be challenging and maybe higher food bill, see how it goes.
Any way this little offing I call meat loaf En croute. Simple but offers a different taste and texture to just plain oh meat loaf.
I unfroze a meat loaf cooked last week, sliced a section of the loaf, layered paté on sides and top of the loaf then wrapped the whole thing in pastry.
Chilled the pasty down in fridge then put it in a 450F oven for 25 minutes then 350F for another 20 minutes.
Not arf bad with the different taste sensations and the light flaky pastry and served with simple vegetables and gravy.

Well we have some snow on the ground, not sure how long it will stay with temps supposed to warm up and winds in the forecast.
Any way this little offing I call meat loaf En croute. Simple but offers a different taste and texture to just plain oh meat loaf.
I unfroze a meat loaf cooked last week, sliced a section of the loaf, layered paté on sides and top of the loaf then wrapped the whole thing in pastry.
Chilled the pasty down in fridge then put it in a 450F oven for 25 minutes then 350F for another 20 minutes.
Not arf bad with the different taste sensations and the light flaky pastry and served with simple vegetables and gravy.

Friday, November 09, 2012
Getting down in the freezer, -9 official -11 at the house with -15 wind chill, bring on the snow oh snow spirits.
So much stuff to take my attention in the media, corrupt politicians, no really, Muskrat Falls goings on (I still have that splash protection suit) also see corrupt politicians, Feeding My family Facebook, boy do those Inuit north of here know how to use social media, dissecting this weeks election by all the pundits (not a lot of time on that, just PBS stuff), the travails of our Ottawa MP Peter Penashue-oh right, I already mentioned him.
So with all that to absorb plus doing Frans research on potential Christmas gifts I cant seem to get into the writing mode.
Upderty date: I'm going to have to order in more of those splash suits, going to be one doozy of a day Tuesday. Pot calling kettle black.
I have some of my mojo back:
Did you know that freight moved into Northern Labrador and Black Tickle under the Nutrition North Canada subsidy program totalled 563, 737 kilos in the 2011-2012 year?
Did you know that the cost to ship that freight charged to NNC came to $978, 058?
Did you know that the $978,058 was paid to retailers?
Do you know how much of that $978,058 was passed on to consumers?
Well either do I nor anyone else except maybe NNC officials and they aren’t saying.
That 563,737 kilos translates to 41.4 Twin Otter loads.
Nain received the largest % of the freight at 198,515 kilos.
The pay out to retailers was $498,0754.
The average cost per kilo to the region was $1.735.
The average cost per kilo to Nain was $2.508.
Not sure how to decipher this one. Some one in Ottawa just Googled "nutrition north" -hollywood -delhi -"north -america" -carolina
The blog was number 2 hit. Could it be something to do with the Harper's trip to India, some bizarro pictures of the two coming out from over there.
So much stuff to take my attention in the media, corrupt politicians, no really, Muskrat Falls goings on (I still have that splash protection suit) also see corrupt politicians, Feeding My family Facebook, boy do those Inuit north of here know how to use social media, dissecting this weeks election by all the pundits (not a lot of time on that, just PBS stuff), the travails of our Ottawa MP Peter Penashue-oh right, I already mentioned him.
So with all that to absorb plus doing Frans research on potential Christmas gifts I cant seem to get into the writing mode.
Upderty date: I'm going to have to order in more of those splash suits, going to be one doozy of a day Tuesday. Pot calling kettle black.
I have some of my mojo back:
Did you know that freight moved into Northern Labrador and Black Tickle under the Nutrition North Canada subsidy program totalled 563, 737 kilos in the 2011-2012 year?
Did you know that the cost to ship that freight charged to NNC came to $978, 058?
Did you know that the $978,058 was paid to retailers?
Do you know how much of that $978,058 was passed on to consumers?
Well either do I nor anyone else except maybe NNC officials and they aren’t saying.
That 563,737 kilos translates to 41.4 Twin Otter loads.
Nain received the largest % of the freight at 198,515 kilos.
The pay out to retailers was $498,0754.
The average cost per kilo to the region was $1.735.
The average cost per kilo to Nain was $2.508.
Not sure how to decipher this one. Some one in Ottawa just Googled "nutrition north" -hollywood -delhi -"north -america" -carolina
The blog was number 2 hit. Could it be something to do with the Harper's trip to India, some bizarro pictures of the two coming out from over there.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Boy are these idiots in for a surprise when they get there, unless of course they move to Queensland (inside family joke).
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Just had to post this from my friends at Air Labrador Twitter account.
Air Labrador @Airlabrador
Air Labrador
Aircraft are returning after another busy day of
providing service to Coastal communities. Cargo volumes are high as
communities stock up.
There was a time in the not too distance past when freight boats were relied upon to *stock up the communities*.
The pattern has been there for awhile, boats have been given short shift under the guise of braking down and of governments screwing up contracts and the like.
And who pays for all this? No prize for guessing the correct answer.
Nice thick pork chops Cajun style, the home made apple sauce was a nice sweet to the tooth contrast to the spicy chops.
Last evening was a soup of partridge breast with chicken livers, mushroom rice and dough boys.
Fran had all the partridge meat on bones.
A road of over 200 kilometers (as the crow fly's) has to be a major concern to the stewards of the land. Inuit pride themselves as stewards of the land so this potential of a road in such difficult and ecologically sensitive land should be very worrying.
Not to mention the potential threat to wildlife, particularly the declining George River Caribou herd.
To parrot the commenter; it would also happen to cut through traditional calving areas of the George River herd and across the route of spring and fall migration. For a herd that's presently quite vulnerable, it's good to ask what impact this type of development could bring.
This link takes you to the satellite tracking service that Quebec offers, or used to offer, it was shut down to the public on conservation grounds, or so they said.
Since the caribou satellite tracking was shut down the NL provincial government has continued its rigorous and aggressive seeking out and promotion of mineral exploration in Labrador, this being just one of many.
Conspiracy theories anyone?
As coincidence would have it the telegram has a story on a recent tourism venture into the hinterland. We meet these people while they killed time getting into the camp, I warned three ladies that their chance of seeing any caribou were next to nil.
Ignore the picture caption, some wag on Facebook asked if that was our house.
G Grandson Terrence and his dad came down to pick up his gift (the hat) from a kind lady in Stoufville Ont yesterday afternoon.

There was also a large chocolate coin in the gift as well. Terrence wondered at then shyly played with the chocolate, with me teasing him about sharing.
Miraculously the chocolate disappeared down Terrence's tummy while my back was turned, no flies on Terrence.
Terrence decided to spend some quality time with us, so his dad left, the four of us went for a walk, stopped in to the playground where Terrence got a wet bum sliding down the large slippery dip, hence no pants in the bottom photo.
Other G Grandson discovered we had company so Enrique called in later.
After Grandmas unsuccessful attempts at controlling two under five boys it was slyly suggested that Grandma walk them home.

There was also a large chocolate coin in the gift as well. Terrence wondered at then shyly played with the chocolate, with me teasing him about sharing.
Miraculously the chocolate disappeared down Terrence's tummy while my back was turned, no flies on Terrence.
Terrence decided to spend some quality time with us, so his dad left, the four of us went for a walk, stopped in to the playground where Terrence got a wet bum sliding down the large slippery dip, hence no pants in the bottom photo.
Other G Grandson discovered we had company so Enrique called in later.
After Grandmas unsuccessful attempts at controlling two under five boys it was slyly suggested that Grandma walk them home.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
The closure of marine shipping for the North Coast draws near. A shipping season we had high hopes for after last years disaster of the Dutch Runner but ended up being the worse season for generations.
The break down of the Northern Ranger part way though the season was main contributor to the disaster, but the business as usual attitude and the failure of the Government to find a replacement for the Ranger, or even a second freight boat, all contributed.
To business as usual, some freight arrives in communities in weird state, some with oil spilled on packages, brand new ski doos damaged, freight that is on the shipping manifest for that trip is found to be still in Lewisport (this has been a common complaint for years).
We have had a new minister for WST now for two and a half weeks. Not a lot of time for new blood to get up to speed, especially after the disaster of the predecessor, still we have had no news on the marine shipping file, nor on the road file as it pertains to the hard topping of the trans Labrador Highway.
More and more one comes closer to the conclusion, if one had not already reached it, that we in the Torngats District are being made victims for choosing a Liberal to represent us in in the last election.
It has been years since I did any research into mining companies and into geology. Last few days has seen a change in that, been doing a bit into rare earth minerals and the like.
Quest Rare Minerals Ltd has been hanging around more and more. They have done an exploratory drill program over in the head of Voiseys Bay this summer to find out viability of building a dock and loading-off loading facility. Meetings with Nunatsiavut Government have taken place, and I think maybe one open house but can be corrected on that.
Being a neophyte in this field it is very difficult to determine what is exactly going on here, but one thing that set red lights blinking is the fact that I cant find much reference to radio active mineralization in any of the companies blurbs, but in preliminary research the geology of rare earth minerals it is front and center.
The ores of rare earth elements are mineralogically and chemically complex and commonly radioactive.
Reading through the data it seems that some very unfriendly to the environment activity has to take place to leach out the small amount of end product from large volumes of mined material.
Lets hope the folks who make decisions on sanctioning this potential mine have good research people and similar red lights start blinking.
Oh yeah, light fluffy snow is falling, and ahead of forecasted too. That will piss the airlines off no doubt.
The break down of the Northern Ranger part way though the season was main contributor to the disaster, but the business as usual attitude and the failure of the Government to find a replacement for the Ranger, or even a second freight boat, all contributed.
To business as usual, some freight arrives in communities in weird state, some with oil spilled on packages, brand new ski doos damaged, freight that is on the shipping manifest for that trip is found to be still in Lewisport (this has been a common complaint for years).
We have had a new minister for WST now for two and a half weeks. Not a lot of time for new blood to get up to speed, especially after the disaster of the predecessor, still we have had no news on the marine shipping file, nor on the road file as it pertains to the hard topping of the trans Labrador Highway.
More and more one comes closer to the conclusion, if one had not already reached it, that we in the Torngats District are being made victims for choosing a Liberal to represent us in in the last election.
It has been years since I did any research into mining companies and into geology. Last few days has seen a change in that, been doing a bit into rare earth minerals and the like.
Quest Rare Minerals Ltd has been hanging around more and more. They have done an exploratory drill program over in the head of Voiseys Bay this summer to find out viability of building a dock and loading-off loading facility. Meetings with Nunatsiavut Government have taken place, and I think maybe one open house but can be corrected on that.
Being a neophyte in this field it is very difficult to determine what is exactly going on here, but one thing that set red lights blinking is the fact that I cant find much reference to radio active mineralization in any of the companies blurbs, but in preliminary research the geology of rare earth minerals it is front and center.
The ores of rare earth elements are mineralogically and chemically complex and commonly radioactive.
Reading through the data it seems that some very unfriendly to the environment activity has to take place to leach out the small amount of end product from large volumes of mined material.
Lets hope the folks who make decisions on sanctioning this potential mine have good research people and similar red lights start blinking.
Oh yeah, light fluffy snow is falling, and ahead of forecasted too. That will piss the airlines off no doubt.
Monday, November 05, 2012
Watching some of the footage of the aftermath of the storm that hit NY and New Jersey brings images to my mind of post apocalyptic movies I have seen over the years.
And it would seem that if things don’t get back on track sooner rather than later life will be imitating art in a more serious way. Haiti and other third world spots around the world may get hit harder by mother nature but they have had less to loose 9for want of a better term) and are not as comfortable shall we say.
We were wondering about friends who lives out on Long Island, we finely received an e mail from them this morning.
Their town, at the end of the rail line, was hit hard but their home was spared. No power for a week and there is still no gasoline to be had, and kids have to go back to school and parents to work today. Trains are running again (sort of) siphoning the last of the gas from you boat just won’t do it I would think.
Friends were lucky as other close by lost everything.
Our thoughts are with you and your fellow sufferers.
Very changeable foggy cloudy weekend, spent good part of it tweeting weather updates to Air Labrador of which they were thankful.
And it would seem that if things don’t get back on track sooner rather than later life will be imitating art in a more serious way. Haiti and other third world spots around the world may get hit harder by mother nature but they have had less to loose 9for want of a better term) and are not as comfortable shall we say.
We were wondering about friends who lives out on Long Island, we finely received an e mail from them this morning.
Their town, at the end of the rail line, was hit hard but their home was spared. No power for a week and there is still no gasoline to be had, and kids have to go back to school and parents to work today. Trains are running again (sort of) siphoning the last of the gas from you boat just won’t do it I would think.
Friends were lucky as other close by lost everything.
Our thoughts are with you and your fellow sufferers.
Very changeable foggy cloudy weekend, spent good part of it tweeting weather updates to Air Labrador of which they were thankful.
Friday, November 02, 2012
Order of Newfoundland & Labrador.
4.3 oz of gold and semi precious stone with Frans name imprinted on the back..
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Muskrat Falls all day all the time. I just cant get enough of it, so I have decided to head out to sin jawns when the debate goes to the house.
Yes boy, if one of the airlines will non rev me, then a hotel (harbor view) in sin jawns will comp me and one of the bars will free fish n chip (along with refreshments) me then I am off to the HOA for more of the
As you can see in the picture I have picked out my Sunday best for the attendance at the house of the honorable members.

Yes boy, if one of the airlines will non rev me, then a hotel (harbor view) in sin jawns will comp me and one of the bars will free fish n chip (along with refreshments) me then I am off to the HOA for more of the
As you can see in the picture I have picked out my Sunday best for the attendance at the house of the honorable members.
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