My observations; it was bloody cold [-27 wind chill], most people were hunkered down in vehicles waiting for the parade to start. The large amount of vehicles compared to previous years, this may be due to the economic upturn for some in Nunatsiavut.
Air Labrador was the conveyance of choice and the gifts to be given out at the town hall were of the good graces of a service club in Goose Bay [whose name escapes me].

Being sunny and so bloody cold it was a good day for pizza. I think this feeling cold thing may be physical as well as physiological. Clear sunny windy days with little snow on the ground sort of puts the chills right through the body, it seems less of an effect when there is lots of packed snow, it acts as an insulation to the mind and the physical.
Back to the pizza: Multi grain dough of course. On the left we have broccoli, sauteed onions, peppers, ham, sliced fresh tomatoes lots of cottage cheese, feta cheese.
On the right, pepperoni, salami, olives, sauteed onions, sliced fresh tomatoes, peppers, avocado, feta, mozzarella and cheddar cheeses.
Not arf bad if I do say so myself.
So no matter if the cold thing is physiological or physical we better get used to it, nothing but big yellow balls and low temperatures for the next 7 days on the Enviro Canada web sight for Nain.
Santa update: Santa's elves and helpers were from the Rotary Club of HV-GB, a stop in Natuashish preceded the visit to Nain. About 800 gifts were distributed to the children.

I like the way you put the Santa pictures over a backdrop of the harbour, how do you do that?
The pizza looks good, did you offer some to Santa to fatten him up a bit?
As easy as 12345, you just subscribe to Picasa3, download your pictures, edit what you want, collage then post to your blog.
You can either have one of the pictures as background and in the collage or remove the background picture like the Santa one.
No pizza for Santa, but my nephew scored some.
I'm surprised Santa arrived by plane. He could have walked!
So Bruce, sounds like you did your World geography PhD at Woolamaloo U.
As the reindeer fly it is roughly 3,500 clicks from the North Pole to Nain, quite the walkabout even for a fit trimmed down Santa dontcha think.
Merry Christmas to ya, hope the damp trend in Sydney has not made it’s way down to the bottom of the world.
Love the Feta Festival!
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