One of the elected members of the assembly asked of all the candidates-
InoKatiget Inuktitut
uKâlaKatigeligamik Kuviasukatigedlutik tusannidlasongummata.
Sivulliviniptinut taimailiuligapta ataKattagapta ikKaumadlugit Kanuk
uKâlakaktalaunningit sugusiudluta tukisiadlugit, inosuktodluta
nâlagasuakaktadlugit, inummagiuligakta uKausigiKaktalauktangit
ikKaumajâgikaktadlugit puiguniangitavut inosivut nâllugu.
Taimaiktusaugaluagivugut Kitungavut ingutavut Kimaikvigingikuktigit
uKausiptnik angijualummik uggualutik kingomaksilâktut. Taimaimmat
kavamavut sivukkataktiugialiugaluak uKausiptinik atuksialuni
suliaKakvimi, ilinniavikmi angiggami nanituinnaugaluakpat. Ilangit
uKausimminik asiujisimanigâktogaluat Kaujimavunga asiujisimalungitut
uKausiminut pulautjausimatuinnatut ânnitausimanimminut,
mitautigijausimanimminut, nangagijausimanimminut pijagijausimanimminut.
Tamakkua saipatsataugialet Kinuiksâvigillugit pitsialugit nagligillugit.
Taimâk uKausituKangit uKanginnut utigajaktut Kaujimaligutik
kappiasâktauniagunnainimmik mitautigijauniagunnainimminiklu.
It is so good to hear Inuit talking to each other in there
own language. It attaches us to our past, we remember how they spoke Inuttitut
to us as children and we understood them.
And now as adults we won’t forget their words. .
We should be like them, leave our language to our children,
grandchildren, and if we don’t all do that all it will be is a memory to them.
Our government should set an example by using Inuttut in the
workplace, and in the schools, at home and anywhere.
Some of our people say they have lost the language, but I
know it is inside them. They did or did not use it because we laughed or made
fun of them.
That is why we have to encourage and support them to learn
their language. If we do that it will encourage them to speak it more.
It is so good to hear Inuit talking to each other in there
own language. It attaches us to our past, we remember how they spoke Inuttitut
to us as children and we understood them.
And now as adults we won’t forget their words. .
We should be like them, leave our language to our children,
grandchildren, and if we don’t all do that all it will be is a memory to them.
Our government should set an example by using Inuttut in the
workplace, and in the schools, at home and anywhere.
Some of our people say they have lost the language, but I
know it is inside them. They did or did not use it because we laughed or made
fun of them.
That is why we have to encourage and support them to learn
their language. If we do that it will encourage them to speak it more.
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