Nice sunrise this morning as we speak 6 1/2 hours ago.
Then some shallow fog rolled in as we speak 5 1/2 hours ago but dissipated as we speak right after.
Very busy at the hacienda as we speak, literally as we speak.
You may have noticed a new catch phrase i have inadvertently picked up. 'As we speak' explains almost everything away for Tom [as we speak] Hedderson the minister for transport.
As we speak Hedderson was on CBC Labrador Morning doing his best to explain away the transportation debacle on the coast of Labrador. As mentioned previous as we speak Hedderson has curtailed the over use of 'due diligence' for' as we speak'. No audio up at time of publishing.
Updated as we speak:
After all he could hardly claim that the government paid due diligence considering the way things have turned out could he.
As we speak Hedderson and members of the two Aboriginal groups have been holding extensive talks on ways to deal with the shipping debacle. Oh how I would like to be a fly on the wall at some of these secrete 'extensive talks' that produce nothing but backward progress as we speak.
As we speak, that sounds like the time John Hickey said he had a "signed deal" to pave the TLH on his desk "as we speak".
Is "as we speak" the new "on a go-forward basis"?
An argument could be made for ‘on a go forward basis’. But in this case I think ‘due diligence’ tips the poll. Or at least a very good tie.
Due diligence certainly was not taken and on a go forward basis the results would be exactly the same as the infamous Hickey statement.
That is SFA, nadda, zilch, bugger all, big zero, 0.
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