Saturday, November 14, 2009

14th November 09.

It sure was spring like yesterday, up to +7, though the wind did make it feel a lot less higher up.

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The photos for this montage was taken up near the hydro plant, I just had to check out if the new generator was up and running. I did not go inside but the middle exhaust chimney was exhausting much burnt fossil fuel indicating that is was working.
The larger of the three back up units was shipped out on the Astron yesterday [hope they have it tied down tight] and the other two were not operating yesterday indicating that things inside the plant are returning to normal ops, though that is just speculation on my part.

Many man hours and many dollars have been spent on returning the plant to pre fire ops, it was said by a Hydro official that a whole new plant could have been built for what the repairs and replacement generator cost.


Shammickite said...

Hi Brian: I've been sadly neglecting blogging for a week or so, apologies! Those pics of you and Fran on the boat in the snow are amazing! I can't imagine how cold it must have been to have the wind whip the snow in such a huge drift.
And I'd love one of those shopping bags,... tell me where to send the $5.

Brian said...

ExSham: I have two bags I could send, e mail me your address to