I went back to doing some ‘northern transport’ lobbying yesterday. It takes time to put together an e mail worded correctly along with some of the research done over the years. Then one has to be diplomatic ya know.
This was done in the absence of any feed back [anyone is aware of] emanating from all the correspondence and photographs forwarded to the government of NL, Nunatsiavut Government and our member of the house of assembly this past month pertaining to the marine shipping debacle of this season.
Granted the e mail was only sent to our
member Patty Pottle, I do not see the point in sending anything to NG as they just do not reply and I have no knowledge of the of new temporary
WST minister and his staff.
I did not receive any response by e mail but within half an hour of hitting the send button Patty called.
We had a good discussion; Patty is aware of most of the issues and is understanding of all the frustrations up here. Alas she is part of the Danny government [my words] and despite Patties points to the contrary WST people on the ground are as incompetent, or at best milquetoast, as all get out.
I took notes of the conversation, I would prefer an e mail response but the situation is what it is. More to follow, in what form is in abeyance.
In the meantime a knocked up a quick cottage pie of no particular recipe, just what came to mind as it was being cooked, not too bad, there is still half leftover, think I will add some cheese to the top for tonight’s meal.

I also did some pricing of camp stoves; one has been requested as a Christmas gift. The best buys are in the states, but then shipping, duties and exchange rate knock the savings all to hell there.
On the local front; there is a ‘world-famous’ brand, two burner giving 20, 000 btu’s available in three stores here.
Price range is from $135.99
[correction $155.99] at Northern to $113.98 at BigLand to $105.00 at Haynes general store.
Odd that; the
largest store with the largest buying power is 30 bucks
[correction 50 bucks] more than the little locally owned store.
On a personal note: we do get 10% seniors discount at the two larger stores but I am leaning to paying the $5 more at Haynes than what it would cost at BigLand with the discount.
The winner was; Haynes.