Monday, January 10, 2011

Pour Tom, qui a manqué une entrecôte agréable mais je suis sûr serait plutôt sur la maison de voyage longue après si long.

Yesterday was another of those 'will they or wont they' type days. Will they or wont they be able to fly that is.
Very iffy weather for the first part of the day then things improved slightly and both airlines scrambled to get flights in.
In a short space of time a lot of people arrived and left the Nain airport.

Alas folk hoping to travel to other coastal towns were not so lucky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Desolé d’avoir manqué encore un autre répas exceptionnel de la cuisine gourmande de Brian. C’est certain que je suis content d’être chez nous, mais mon séjour à Nain gardera toujours un coin particulier dans mon coeur. Tom, Sr.