Friday, January 28, 2011

Carter's dad's first landing in Nain

No not that one, that's the RCMpolice plane bringing much needed 'supplies' to the detachment.

No Sheldon was on the next plane to land, it was freight too, there were half a dozen excited people to greet the guy, hope all the cameras did not embarrass him, not likely though.

Down also was Terence and his dad, {GG Son and G son}, Siutik was fed up with the waiting and the cold and wanted to get back to her family, kicked up quite a bit of fuse.


ViewPoint2010 said...

Brian, it's time for some more pictures of Siutik's family! :-)

Brian said...

Yes it is but the little buggers when awake are attaching my feet every time I go out.
Plus the -30 ish wind chill temps do not excite my enthusiasm.