Quite a number of new poles were installed earlier in the summer; now a large crew of workers accompanied by various vehicles is in to hang the new lines, transformers and the like. Parts of the town will have power outages until the job is done.
So the dog and I did a walk over to the sports field area, took this picture of two of the smaller kids enjoying there extra play time.
What struck me, for no particular reason, is the higher areas of the sub division used to be prime berry areas, and close to home.
We had many pleasurable hours up there; it had a great uninterrupted view of the entire town and exposed to winds from most directions.
We even took a small tent up there and had boil ups on occasion. Nostalgia eh?
Took a snap of the “Welcome to Nain” sign that is displayed as you leave the air strip, that’s the blue and white thing on the ground, hard to read that way. Not sure if it was an idiot driver or vandals.
Update: reliable sources tell me the sign was blown down by the wind the other evening. By the size of the upright post that sounds like a reasonable scenario. My deepest apologies to all the idiot drivers and Vandals.
I have not had any progress photos of the new Media Centre for some days. That’s because there has been no progress, there are some unhappy campers in the Okalakatiget Society for sure, the new week will determine what happens.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. WAM on CBC radio had a nice [reasonably long] interview with the president of Okalakatiget Society [Carol Gear] yesterday morning.
It stuck out because WAM is very island centric as a rule, but two pieces on Labrador yesterday, it gets ones attention, know what I’m say’n?
Any way the interview was very informative on the history and what is in the future for the Society, mainly centered on the new building and what was lost in the infamous fire of 05. way to go WAM.
Not sure if the interview will be achieved, but thought I'd give some credit when credit is due.
1 comment:
good day brian. i got out for a while today and picked a few partridge berries for muffins. just a few because we still have some from last year. i guess when you refer to red berries in your blog,it's actually partridge berries??
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