Friday, September 28, 2007

Fall briefs uno.

There is a school fall sports meet being held in Nain, 16 to 29. Schools from Lake Melville to Nain are taking part; Natuashish is taking part for the first time.

Six male and six female make up each team, our grandson is the captain of the Nain boy’s team.

We have three team members from Hopedale staying with us; Guess which team and which individual Fran will be barracking for?

So what to feed three youth who I don’t really know? Pizza says Fran.

So I made up some pizza and lots of white bread. The picture of the plated pizza is a vegetarian for us; the other two are the more traditional 3 meat, tomato sauce, cheese for the others.

Vegetarian is just for variety, I used cauliflower, broccoli, green opinion, fresh herbs, olives, anchovies, cottage and mozzarella cheese, very very good if I do say so myself.

After the Marine Shipping operating reasonably smoothly in first part of the season things seem to be in retrograde mode again. I have not followed it that closely to date; other fish to fry, but my casual observations are that the freight to the communities is playing second fiddle to the “exploration frenzy” in the Postville /Makkovik area.

Add to this several incidents like a container on the Astron being dropped onto another container with damage to goods inside.

The non containerization of many many pallets of pop and beer and other heavy goods coming out of Goose Bay to the coast. Instead of containerizing these heavy/high pallets and bringing them up on the Astron they are being loaded onto the Northern Ranger. In the rough seas, that we some times get, this resulted in pallets tipping over this last trip resulting in damage to much of the freight.
Also last trip one store had ice cream come off the NR partly thawed out; manager pointed this put to crew, crew adamant that this could not be so as the freezer was working. Sounds like a temperature check due.
Also same store had a good bit of non perishable vegetables left at the dock in GB. Manager now has to fly the stuff in at a cost of 1600 bucks compared to something under 100 bucks on the boat. Here we go again, same old same old as soon as you nod off.

There are other issues but as I said, other fish to fry at the moment.

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