Wednesday, March 31, 2010

There is a rumor afoot that at the last meeting of the Nunatsiavut Assembly meeting “the alcohol committee” passed a resolution that is going to limit the amount of alcohol you can buy and bring back or ship to Nunatsiavut and also is going to put pressure on the airlines to start charging for pick - up. [As matter of information Air Labrador charges a $10.00 pick up fee from Store to air port plus the $ per pound for air freight. Innu Mikun does not charge such a fee; hence they received the bulk of the liquor and beer orders.

So, ever being one not to spread rumors I endeavored to check the facts. I left a message with the president of NG who got back to me in good time and confirmed that resolutions were offered up and passed regarding the Alcohol Committee. He could not remember the wording off hand and suggested I call the clerk of NG and ask for the resolutions which were offered up without any fuse as they are public documents.

It is not up to me to make these resolutions public but I think they should be outed by NG before the upcoming elections for ordinary members so people know what is going on and not just relying on rumors.

Then today further to the topic: now we have one Matthew Pike [a pious pompous prate if ever there was one] running for ordinary member for NG in Lake Melville and laying down the law in an area he knows absolutely nothing about.

Taking the easy road is typical of these people who have no idea what banning alcohol would do to the people who are addicted without proper programs and services in place, not to mention infringing on Canadians basic human rights and also not to mention the nightmare of policing the increase in bootlegging, Christ almighty, they cant handle the bootlegging that goes on now.

Maybe Memorial should run a degree program in Correlating Intelligence with Common Sense that Mr. Pike could avail of; Masters in CICS would look good on his résumé.

I will outline the resolutions at a latter time if I get the urge; it is not as bad as the rumors feared, not in the short term anyways.


dannytoro1 said...

Thanks once again for trying to shed light on a sore subject. I can not pretend to know the answers not living there. As you so ably point out, the answers are not as cut and dry as made out. I'm sure many readers may very well have relations sadly afflicted.

As a Canadian Scoop adoptee, many families were torn apart and emotional stricken. That fact is also a sore point, as many of us adoptees find dealing with learning of our removal caused great problems that may have ended in substance abuse.

It is a tough subject to find people ready to speak of it. I'm very glad in my case my remaining family is very receptive. But in knowing many other adoptees, many never find that resolution or acceptance. And one wonders what pain and despair is involved.

I wish there was more I could do to help the NG government advance forward and help it's citizens.

I may not be there, but increasingly I feel I should be there, and helping out addressing needs.

It could be so much different, the NG can have a vibrant healthy future for all; if more folks took your lead and become more involved.

pike2010 said...

I always enjoy a spirited debate, I invite you to my website which outlines the majority of issues you write here.

Inuit is Inuit, we must advance our people as a whole. Particularly read the parts about having the people vote on the alcohol ban and then implementing a strategic and aggressive healing plan. Voting is your basic democratic right and a healing plan is part of my plan, something you say is necessary.

I'll be in Nain on May 5th, the day after the election because win or lose I am going to spread the message of alcohol free communities. We can tackle bootlegging I say. The communities should not have to bow down to the bootleggers, they are stronger than that. While in Nain I'd like to have a good chat with you about the issue.

I enjoy your writing, even if it is to take a piece off of me.

Brian said...

Hey Pathfinder, I could not begin to understand what you and your family went through all these years. It is great that you have made contact with family and that things are being worked out to some extent.
I do notice some people coming back from the south after either adoptions or foster care; from just observing some have trouble re adjusting as do their families adjusting to the changes in the returning people.
I know Fran had those issues when returning from being away from home as a child with TB, then again when she was away for secondary schooling and again at university. There are some demons still but talking about them is not in her or the Inuit psychic.
In my mind that is what needs to happen, more discussion amongst the people affected and then listening and then action by the government types. But then how do you change generations of habits, and should they be?

Hi Pike 2010; thanks for the reasoned reply. It is a change to see someone not getting defensive and circling the wagons [so to speak] when criticized.
I’m sure you have some good ideas and are true to your culture, I am willing to have a discourse with you on some of your ideas, not that I have any official power to effect change, but is good to talk about these things in an open and frank manner.
I wish you success in the upcoming election [really].