Friday, January 22, 2010

An exceptional approach to the "your package has experienced an exception" sure. Old David did not take too kindly to his jewels being jangled by the look on his face.

Nice sunny day here again, -17 with light winds, great to be alive in it?

The afternoon brings some good news on the NL Hydro billing issue previously mentioned here.

Some nice turn around from my talk with the regional manager for sure, as I have not received anything personally I will have to wait before posting details.

For those that get their nickers in a knot; I take no credit as an individual, it goes to prove my theory that if people get together and lobby from the same play book and with the support of elected representatives change can be made that benefit all.

Update on above; the news has hit the airways courtesy of CKOK radio so here is the gist of what NL Hydro is doing:

* we will send a letter to every customer in Nain tomorrow regarding this issue
* we are reviewing every customer bill and redistributing the energy used over the last four months to more closely line with the life line block of energy for each month. We will issue credits to customers where appropriate based on this redistribution of energy.
* we will work directly with customers to establish an interest-free payment schedule for their Hydro balance


Anonymous said...

what an absolutely adorable little boy. The look on his face is identical to that of my son when he caught his first fish over 30 years ago. from Lynne in St. Catharines.

Brian said...

That’s the grandson, he has caught many a fish since that one, and he used to go fishing with grandma a lot until an incident that had him visit the nursing station for hook retrieval.