Sunday, January 06, 2013

Have had a hankering for food with raisins in it, could be to do with my failed xmas cake, or I did not make any mince meat pies, whatever the hankering was there.

I love raisin bread but have not had great success making it, for some reason others raisin bread always tastes better (except that store bought stuff). 

Frans mom used to make the best ever raisin bread and cinnamon twists. Verona made voluminous amounts of these sweet treats, the intent was to have them for sale to make a coupla bucks.

Alas as soon as the word got out that the batches were about to exit the oven Verona's large extended family descended on the house reducing the extra bucks in the pocket. But Verona never complained. 

But I digress, Last week I gave it another shot, I dont like to make a specific batch for raisin bread but had come across and little trick that may suffice, and it did.
I took half a batch of plain white bread dough and applied the trick. Came out not bad either.

No photos but this morning I had french toast using a thick slice of raisin bread, boy was it good, as a rule I do not do french bread.

As the sun rises more pressure will be put on the Hydro plant engines, -24.7 at the house with -41 wind chills.
Sure hope people use some common sense and restrict to a minimum there electricity usage.

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