Sunday, June 14, 2009

One day the sun will shine.

Well old Peckers [Brian Peckford] at least got that one right, brilliant blue sky with a tinge of red as the sun comes up this fine Monday morn. Old Peckers was quite mad by the time the electorate dumped him, me thinks we are seeing history repeat itself in NL politics.

Our day finely arrived, no heat wave but boy it sure felt like it after all that shitty stuff.

Yesterday about 11 Fran said we should go for a walk, no problem says I. How cold is it says Fran, it’s kinda warm says I.

Out we go and we had not gone 50 yards when Fran says, it’s cold. And it was, but I said wait till the clouds move off and the wind drops not that confidently, once the sun comes out it is unreal. Mumble mumble says Fran.

So we headed over to the ball park area, about half way around the field the clouds finely moved off, warmth at last so we stopped for a bit just letting it soak in.

We then headed down to Northern Point where some people were fishing in Apishi and a couple of blokes were real keen on going egging. That is them pushing a flat strapped to a komatik, they were headed to an Island that was quite a ways off, Fran says they must be starving for eggs real bad.

On the way back planes started landing, people were out like flowers blooming on a fine spring day. Couples pushing the children, walking dogs, kids on bikes, kids jumping ice pans, black bear on ice until chassed off by conservation office.

Later in the day there was not a cloud in the sky, it’s been a long while baby.


Shammickite said...

Enjoy it while you can, I hear that it's a short summer in Labrador!

Brian said...

Short is the operative word.
One day of heat and already people are complaining about the ‘large flies’ in their houses [people here have an obsessive obsession with bugs and flies].
Can’t win for losing.