Monday, June 29, 2009

Early on it was looking like we might miss the heat wave again. Alas it has gone from 10 at 8am to 21 by 11am. Not as bad as Makkovik where it is 27 already.

The mv Astron is also in Makkovik today on its way here.

The Northern Ranger apparently had little freight of consequence on its part run up the coast last week.
Even though there is no toilet paper, sager, flour etc in Makkovik, the only supplies they received was bottle water, coke and chips, gota have some fresh water to wash down all those calories and starches eh?

The Ranger is due in Goose bay at 10.30 this morning, they are still not giving a departure time for the trip north.

Well knocked me down with a low flying F4.

Like any body with any common sense ever believed that there was ever going to be a 650 man rapid reaction force deployed to CFB Goose Bay.
That does not include disillusioned self aggrandizing politicians and screaming business people who seem to thrive on these sorts of half arsed promises.

The best thing for that base is to turn the housing over to not for profit organizations for low/medium income housing and retirement housing.

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