Well I’ll take -12 in a 20 K wind over the last several days anytime, and the light snowfall adds to the comfort zone too.
The PC I have is about 3 years old I guess, the slowness has been an inconvenience for some time now, especially since we have had high speed internet.
Being a great procrastinator I surprised myself by getting Norton to do a check to see what I could do to speed it up.
I thought I had 500 mb of Ram, not so, only 256…….shoot. I could boost it up to 1 GB no problem.
So I call the place where I purchased the computer in Goose Bay to find out exactly what type of card to get. I could have taken the risk and ordered online, but computer geek I am not, not one of my skill sets so to speak.
So in short order I get a call back from GB. In stock are two 512 mb ddr 333 pc2700 which I am assured will do the job.
When the price was quoted I almost gagged, but what the heck, support you local business [relatively speaking] and all that, besides the service is good, and how could Canada Post shag up the delivery being just Goose Bay to Nain.
All was aligned as the package arrived yesterday, removed old and in with the two new, Varoooom, what a difference.
Sort of like trading in your old 340cc ski doo for a 1000cc liquid cooled four stroke Polaris.
Also picked up at the same time was this very decorative box, both Fran and I assumed it was from Australia.
On entering the house I put the decorative box down to disrobe all the heavy gear. I faint ''jingle bells' tune emanated from said box. We thought it was something in the box.
Later, on further examination, we discover it was the box playing the music, and it was from Italy, not Oz.
Italian Post [or whatever their called] did a great job with this promotion IMO, mind you I would not want Canada Post to get any ideas, expensive enough as it is to send overseas parcels.

On a personal note: Today is the first anniversary of my sister Vicki passing away, thinking of you kiddo.
And lastly but by no means least, for those folks in the dark in the North east states, the heat sufferers down under and for us up here in the mild snowy north,
some humor courtesy of Robin Williams.
Mind you he does seem to be looking more like a member of the Bush clan around the face, hope he can get something done about that.