The mist from the water slightly obscures the tug and the fishing boat at the dock, but that is what caught my eye.
I had Siutik on a choke collar for several days, she choked alright but it did not make one wit of difference in her instance of pulling like she had places to go.
So this morning I put the old collar back on, off we went, or she went and I held back.
On reflecting the choke collar thing and my trying to get here to ease up on the pulling, it sort of defeats the purpose of the breed she is, and the fact I will want her to pull come snow on the ground. I have grand plans for her to haul our groceries and get heating oil, plus I'm sure Matthew will want to get busy with her and a sled.
I came across this interesting site over at JG. Our address is not there, but many are, get out and walk folks, you life depends on it.
You can probably teach him to be a good walker beside you and he's still going to run like a husky. My dog is part husky and duck-toller and this running thing is his main problem.The key with the choke collar, we learned from a dog trainer, is not to let it slide, but to bring it up right under the dog's head, right at the spot where neck and head attach, then double back the loose end and attach it to the collar, so the loop is really snug under the dog's head. There is very little pulling from the dog in this situation.
-Old Brooktrout
You could try the Halti. It is a product that works on the same premise as the horses halter. The halti controls the dogs movement by mastering its small muscles in the neck. The dog's body only goes as far as the head.
check this out. it's a Canadian site.
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