Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Winter is showing its purty head, -6 at the house this morning, -1 official [down near the water].
Days have been nice with temps from +2 to + 9 for a couple of weeks. Nights are getting down to 0 to -6 last evening. Wind chills are also starting to show up evenings.

In case there is some doubt about the veracity of my postings on “the Dutch” plus other shortcomings of the marine shipping this audio of an interview with the minister of transport should dispel them.

Minister Hedderson is not shy in giving interviews I will give him that.

He comes up short on giving facts as they truly are though. But then he can only relay the information he is given, that information falls way short from the reality most times.

 Heddersons claim that getting food to the coast has always been a priority would be laughable if not so serious. It may be his priority but there is more than enough evidence to refute that claim. Which again raises the question about the veracity of information he is given.This has been an ongoing problem for some years, not just this year.

Peter Cowan also had a short piece on Here & Now last evening. Most of the information he gave was from the radio interview he had with me, plus some good visuals of “the Dutch” moored in Goose Bay, plus some shots of the Sir Robert Bond in dry dock in Sin City.

People are now waiting for the Astron to leave Lewisport so they can get a handle on the scheduling and what it takes to the coast, or leaves behind.


Sean Lyall said...

Couple Day Hiatus B?Glad to see you back.

Brian said...

Rule 2210 of the bloggers local #324 comrade.