Friday, October 28, 2011

Had a hankering

for grilled cheese.
In the absence of a video camera I did this collage of prep and final result.  Usually I would use the fry pan, that can result in a messy sandwich if not turned carefully. Using the old SEB sandwich maker there is no flipping.
I used the grated cheese method as per the video of yesterdays post, not sure if grated is better than sliced as the three cheeses were bland and cardboard like, as per yesterdays post.

Someone hit my blog after searching for Astron snow blowers. Interestingly enough the only similarity with snow blowers and the mv Astron is the reference to stone age. The snow blowers are made by-
Stone Age Equipment

Yes we are grateful that the Astron is back in service to help out "the Dutch", but over the years the Aston has more than its share of mishaps and breakdowns, she is way past her best before date for sure.

Nunatsiavut is having a moose hunt for the first time. There have been hunts in the south outside Nunatsiavut for beneficiaries but this is the first time inside the self government area.
Two interviews by CBC's Labrador Morning can explain things way better than I could.

A special committee of the Nunatsiavut Assembly are holding public consultations on the possibility of uranium mining.
It is Nain's turn this evening, 7 pm in the NG board room.

Update: The uranium consultations for Nain have been postponed to November the 8th. I have heard 3 differing reasons for the postponement, hard to sort the Wheat from the Chaff.

From a reliable unofficial source: Reason for postponement was a young 14 year olds death in Hopedale. That adds to the number of deaths in recent times in both Hopedale and Nain.

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