Monday, October 10, 2011

Message in signage.

Maybe not subliminal, more like class message.

The two images at left show Liberal poster at a wee house down one end of town. This area now has way more Liberal posters up than PC.
Plus a PC poster at the only hotel and bar in town.. PC posters are more prominent on local business operators homes or establishments while Liberal is way more prominent on the homes of the proletariat. 

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It is not surprising that it would be this way as the PC incumbent is also a business owner.

The Liberal candidate is a business owner as well. He is also more accepted as a person of the land, as well as being a well know long time Liberal- one can make up their own mind about that.

The pictures at right are of a house that has had the Liberal signs up for some time. Directly across the road the PC signs appeared just this weekend. 

IMO this is indicative of how the PC campaign has been run, reacting after the fact. 


Sean Lyall said...

Can I post on my Facebook B?

Sean Lyall said...

Also that's how the Four Year Term was Run, Reacting after the fact.