Sunday, December 12, 2010

It’s warmed up a tad from the minus mid teen to minus 9 this morning. Wind chills are up too from minus 25 Friday to minus 19, they will rise further as the sun comes up. Other than that the last several days have been nice and clear.

Not looking forward to the projected rain come Tuesday, now that ill make the roads treacherous.

I usually refrain from commenting on peoples lives around the hood, but when other peoples behavior infringe on your privacy and wake you up and you are subjected to noise and loud swearing in the wee hours then bugger the rules.

I was just commenting yesterday how quite the nights have been in the neighborhood of late. Well I should have kept my mouth shut, if you count early morning as night that is.

Cops just paid several visits to the house diagonally across the road. People coming and going into and out of the cop’s car.

As a rule the people in the home are normal nice folk, alas the scourge of booze has a realy negative affect on some.

F-wit was outside for some 45 minutes or more banging and kicking on their door, bawling out, swearing at the top of his voice, meanwhile the lights are all on inside and no one is going to open the door. All the while F-wit is outside in just jeans and T shirt.

This type of behavior was very common at one time, and like I mentioned earlier; how quite it has been in the neighborhood at night lately.

Some folk just don’t change with age and experience.

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