Only way to hold her steady really is to have something to rest the camera or arm on, ideally a tripod should be used but cant bother lagging it around all the time.
here's hoping the festivus goes well.
But I ask you, does this look like a northern
Inside it is more like the season.
Precipitation in the form of white fluffy flakes this morning. Not sure if the white stuff will stick around with temperatures hovering around -1.
Busy day at the post office yesterday with backlog of mail being picked up, we scored well, we now are all set for the big gift unwrapping.
Two pictures of the tree before most of the presents put under.Of course waddlely wanda has to get in on the action.
Temps steady at +1 light drizzle and fog, visibility down to 2 k. surprisingly similar to same day last year and a little like 2001 except for the strong winds that day.
Roads still look treacherous for walking and driving, road outside our house looks more like a skating rink glistening in the street lights.
Here is a little background on the video posted below. While watching it I thought that hill in the background looked familiar, most of the commenter really got it screwed up didn’t they?
I don’t have the fine details but thought a mention is worthy.
Next week [weather permitting] there will be a delegation from a section of the Innu from
It is specifically for the work the team carried out back in 2000, a bad year for suicides and natural deaths.
More updates and corrections if necessary when I have access to them.
Update of above: It wont be next week but the following week, a community feast is planed for the 29th at which time awards will be presented to the members of the Crises Response Team of the year 2000.
First Nations and Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of
Yeeew; its 2 degrees and light rain, not good at all.
Last year same day temps went from -13 to -3 and it snowed all day. In 2001
Yesterday was cloudy overcast and up to +2, not bad enough to stop the planes getting in.
I missed the second of the seniors Christmas lunches, this one put on by the NG department of health. Fran went and brought home the goodies, some real practical stuff like warm mitts and a small tarp for me, Fran had some good stuff too. Thank you to all those involved in putting these events on.
The reason I missed the lunch was an urgent call for bread, had to mull it over hard before deciding to spend a good part of the day close to the oven.
It’s warmed up a tad from the minus mid teen to minus 9 this morning. Wind chills are up too from minus 25 Friday to minus 19, they will rise further as the sun comes up. Other than that the last several days have been nice and clear.
Not looking forward to the projected rain come Tuesday, now that ill make the roads treacherous.
I usually refrain from commenting on peoples lives around the hood, but when other peoples behavior infringe on your privacy and wake you up and you are subjected to noise and loud swearing in the wee hours then bugger the rules.
I was just commenting yesterday how quite the nights have been in the neighborhood of late. Well I should have kept my mouth shut, if you count early morning as night that is.
Cops just paid several visits to the house diagonally across the road. People coming and going into and out of the cop’s car.
As a rule the people in the home are normal nice folk, alas the scourge of booze has a realy negative affect on some.
F-wit was outside for some 45 minutes or more banging and kicking on their door, bawling out, swearing at the top of his voice, meanwhile the lights are all on inside and no one is going to open the door. All the while F-wit is outside in just jeans and T shirt.
This type of behavior was very common at one time, and like I mentioned earlier; how quite it has been in the neighborhood at night lately.
Some folk just don’t change with age and experience.
Wahoo, first minus temps for awhile and the first minus wind chills in 7 days.
Still it is getting late for any decent ice formations, not looking good for ski doing.
Some people are going out in boat now to get their Christmas trees.
I heard a whisper that the large Christmas tree that was ordered from
Our MP in
You can get the questioner in four languages.I have mine printed off and filled in ready to mail.
Not that I don’t like the stuff but to date I have not had a hankering for fish n brew’s or brewis.
Others seem to have a hankering for it though going by the urgent calls sent out for hard tack. Since the Purity factory lock out hardtack has been almost impossible to buy in most locations.
In that light this recipe posted by an anonymous poster on OKS web site could come in handy. Try it and let me know how it turns out.
Of course you could Google hardtack recipe but I have saved you the problem.
Safe to say weather conditions are on everybody’s mind and lips. One cant walk the streets without stopping and having a chat about the anomalies, even people who once walked by with just a nod or a cheery hello now extol the “crazy weather eh”.
Yesterday was the pits with fog and drizzle and up to +2, like it is supposed to be in the high minus single digits, and snow should be on the ground, any sort of snow fer Christ sakes.
2009 was all the talk for its unusual warmth strange snow fall patterns and even stranger ice forming patterns.
So using 2009 as a baseline I compared the days November 1 to December 5 to the corresponding days in 2010.
Total days are 35.
Totals days in 2009 that the mean high temperature was higher than 2010=8.
Total days in 2010 that the mean high temperature was higher than 2009= 23.
4 days there was little to insignificant difference.
The 8 days in 2009 ranged from +1 to + 8 higher than corresponding days in 2010.
The 23 days in 2010 ranged from +1 to +12 higher than correspond days in 2009.
A good number of days in 2010 ranged in the
At no time in those 35 days have we had any significant run of days in the minus high single digits. Even then at no time has the temperature dropped below -6 or -7 for any length of time.
No way will sea ice or any ice form in these conditions.
So is this weather out of the ordinary or not? Memories have similar events in single years, but no one remembers a two year cycle.
The forecast is saying that temperatures could drop into the minus high single digits later this week. Until then we will receive more of the same cloudy drizzly weather.
Update: Seems the guys who get paid big bucks agree with my assessment of the climate.