Friday, November 16, 2007

They be dancing in the streets

in every community on the coast on this news, not.

And ya know what, I just noticed something that might have negative connotations for people up here, we was talking to the wrong government representatives all these time.
We were talking to people and elected members of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, now I learn we should have been talking to the Williams Government people.

And hold the phone, maybe I’m the government, maybe I should have been talking to myself. I better have a good look at myself, with luck things could really start to change for the better, not to mention the back dated entitlements, Look out Hawaii, here I come.

Nice warm day with light snow and NO WIND, touch wood.

Glad it's Friday, most times days just role into each other, this week has been busy and some what stressful towards the end. I hate having to take people [companies] to task, but one has to do what one has to do, the little guy [non profit] cant be shagged around all the time.

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