Our three day warm clear break has ended, light rain and fog this morning, not due to warm up again until Thursday or so.
Busy at the hacienda yesterday, Fran cleaning out the front porch [wonder who ‘accumulates’ all that stuff] and me weed whacking what passes as a lawn at different locations around the house.
I see some movement of the plants in the greenhouse, heat does wonders.
Very quite around town and at the dock too.

I would call it tranquil. Nice blue sky with wispy white clouds, white caps on the water and at the dock three local boats, a couple fishing for rock cod at the end of dock, couple kids fishing for whatever they can get in the middle of the dock and a handful fishing for char near the boat ramp.
Yep, tranquil works.

Hey Brian. Is your husky a picky eater? This one of ours she is soooo picky. I would like to fatten her up a wee bit but can't get her to eat much. What do you do? See you around 24 July.
Is Siutik a fussy eater you ask? Fussy would not begin to describe her eating habits. So yes she would be a fussy eater.
No matter what brand or how expensive dry food is she will try and out smart or out wait you in the hopes of getting something she prefers.
Recent example: put bowl of dry food out, she did not touch it, second day I mixed some left over in with the dry, she usually likes left over but there was something in there that was not to her fancy.
Third day I just left it and added a little wet dog food, and did not give her the usual treat after her walk. Still no eating
Fourth day I dumped it, cleaned the bowl and left the empty bowl.
Later that day she is sitting and looking right hard, she wanted food, so I put the dry food mixed with a little wet dog food, she eat that plus wanted two more bowls of the same.
So you have to play the mind games with them the same they play with you, trail and error.
Of course Siutik does get the odd taste of wild meat, not a lot but enough for her to figure that is what she wants all the time.
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