Seems the purpose of the visit was to change skippers, something this and other boats have done in the past.

I don't want to overdo the pizza shtick, but I do put a lot of attention and care into making them.
Sure beats the product in the large frozen pizza sections in all the stores by a wide margin.
Actually there is a connection [or I hope there will be] between the two photographs.
I know someone who procured 1 of 4 boxes of shrimp that came off the boat for bartering purposes.
I have dangled the prospect of several slices of pizza for a couple of meals of shrimp.
The mid range forecast is looking better than it has for some time. We are due for a break in this bleak drizzle and overcast, best to wait and see what eventuates though.
There is some really weird stuff going on with the marine shipping of freight and even with passenger reservations at the moment.
The people at the dock in Lewisport are refusing to accept freight, especially frozen goods, until they have a better handle on when the "Dutch" will be back in that port.
There is storage capacity there, especially freezer space, but they wont turn them on because they would have to have somebody on duty to monitor them. Yep I know, hard to believe but true.
This really puts a lot of people out, including the retailers, the wholesalers and at the end of the chain the consumer.
Then there is freight arriving at the dock in Goose bay to be loaded on the "Dutch" when it does the GB up the coast run. Freight arrives a good 24 hours before departure yet still does not get loaded. That means another two weeks before it may arrive at intended destination.
There is more and I am sure much more I am unaware off, but the point is made and what the hell is being done about it is a question for the government and the operators.
Then there is also the little spat between the captain and the operators on the last trip of the "Dutch" out of Lewisport resulting in 4 containers being left behind.
Then there is this policy about not putting opposite sexes in 4 berth cabins on the Northern Ranger. Seems fine on the surface.
But what happens if a mother and her two children [in this case 2 of the male sex] want to book berths to go from Goose Bay to Hopedale for a holiday.
The mother is a mature student and cant afford to book the whole cabin, she just wants 2 berths.
No way do you get accommodated by CAI-Nunatsiavut Marine. Mother and two kids have to sit and sleep up in the lounge for the 30 odd hour trip.
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