Thursday, July 14, 2011

Force manure

[sorry majeure] is spreading across the country.

I am getting many hits from searches for force majeure and Canada post delays from folks from coast to coast to coast.

So the lockout is starting to effect people in ways that were not contemplated by the burgers at Can Post.

My personal force majeure is still in Quebec, I have had no further updates since the 7th.

Having said that the package could turn up any day, the tracking system Can Post uses just does not work after items leave Quebec or St. John’s heading for Northern Labrador.

Heading for a nice day by the look of it out there. Be heading down to the dock later; see what’s on the go.

Busy day there as the first boats and people will be leaving for the annual lark in the park [just thought that up]-Torngat Park that is.

Then there are the six speed boats that are heading for Nunavik, the boats should be off the Dutch by this time.

Then there is the Dutch [says I with head in hands].


MargaretJ said...

What will folks do in Torngat?

Brian said...

Best for the rugged individual who camps out and is fit and likes to hike and be enthralled with the raw beauty of the place.