Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Pam n Neal took us for a drive along the coastal road from Stanwell park to Bulli. The newer part of the Sir Lawrence Hargarve Drive is what is called the bridge, we stopped and did a walk along part of the bridge then carried on down the coast to Scarborough and had a lunch of barramundi and chips at the Scarborough Hotel, what a great pub and great food.

I have some great photos from the trip but I am not sure when I will get them up, kinda tired and tomorrow we leave early for a trip in the same direction but this time we are staying in The Gong [Wollongong] until Friday, so not sure when I will post next.
These photos are taken from the top at Stanwell Tops.

1 comment:

Shammickite said...

Gorgeous. I knew I should have stowed away and come to OZ with you.