Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday, we took a short walk down the back streets in the morning, stopped in to visit an old buddy from my teenage years, his father ran a successful gym in the back shed, we chatted and caught up for couple hours then contunued on with the walk after promising to get together again at a later date.

The afternoon was really warm again so Fran decided to rake the lawn and do a general clean up at back of the house. Of course I did all the heavy lifting but managed to get some photos in while on a break.

The house was the first built on Mansbridge avenue [back in 1956 or so] when it was a new subdivision. Many changes have been made to the garden in the ensuing years.
We sat out the back around 8 pm, it was 10 degrees, not a bad sort of temperature for the winter.
So Tuesday, if it is nice, we will venture further afield.

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