It sure has a lot of people looking at it and scratching their heads, especially if they don’t know the intentions of the owners.
There was some really nice looking asparagus in Northern this morning, fresh and the size of my index finger, looked very inviting.
At $10:09 for maybe a meal and a half Fran “said we don’t like them that much”. So it was snap peas instead at $3:45 for about two meals worth.
Do you think these folks are going to be ok? I have to admire the determination they show, but wintering in that boat in heavy ice? Counting on sticks to keep out the hungry critters? Sounds like a soon to be read about disaster film.
The wife says you should e-mail the story to Shepard Smith at Fox news. Who has a fascination with bears and odd human endeavors. It would really set him off.-lol He's quite comical then.
Time will tell how they do. They will be on/near a fairly well travelled ski doo route and will have their own ski doo for toing and throwing.
Good idea about Fox, it's done, see if any bits.
I'm glad they will be on a ski doo route. I hope Fox responds. It would be a great human interest story.
Where exactly do they plan on spending the winter? Is it at the dock or in a more secluded locale? :)
It seems like they will over towards Webb’s Bay, about 15 K from here as crow flies.
Google Earth 56 40 17 11 N 61 46 38 13 W
Hallo Brian,
I am the administrator of the website www.haraldpaulcom. Is it possible afgain to use your fotos from 22. October of the ship "Gypsy Life" on Harald Pauls website? Of course with the credit Brian Williams.
I have not seen yet the Gypsy Life with the wooden "winter survival hut"!
Sincerly yours
Manfred Deiler, Germany
By all means go ahead Manfred.
How do I get to see the photos on the wed site, are any from around Nain up yet?
Hallo Brian,
thank you for your cooperation. You can see your fotos on
I get Fotos from Harald Paul and the Gypsy Life every two month. The new fotos from canada and of course nain area are on the way. I hope it will be possible to show them on the website the next three weeks.
Look at
and the following sites.
Greetings from Germany
Hi Brian!
My name is Chris and I'm working for a German powerboating magazine called BOOTE. We are covering the story of Harald Paul's journey in Canada. Because of this I want ask you for your kind permission to publish one of the photos posted on your blog of „Gipsy Life“. You would of course be credited and if you are interested I could also send you a copy of the issue as soon as it's out.
Kind regards,
Christian Tiedt
BOOTE magazine
Raboisen 8
20095 Hamburg
OK to publish a photograph of Gypsy Life in BOOTE.
If there is space for the credit to read "Brian Williams, Nain Nunatsiavut". If not just the name.
Send a copy if you please.
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