This year I relocated our basic bird feeder from the rear of the house to the front. Not sure it was a great idea; the way these veracious little birds eat we will have to apply for a government grant to keep up with the feed. Oh I know, we can get the food by mail to subsidies the bird feed, they seem to be subsidizing everything else in the food line, well not everything but many things that should not be.
Any way the birds are lining up at the feeding like it is a Tim Horton’s drive through at coffee break.
One larger junco has been feeding a younger one but I have not been able to capture it yet. The white crown sparrows push the juncos out and the big bad gray jay push them all out. Still they all get there fill.
I love juncos! They overwinter here and eat the seeds I put out. They usually hop about on the ground eating what the other birds have spilled out of the feeder.
The juncos get bumped out most times by the bigger sparrows etc. Though the last few days I have noticed more sharing habits at the feeder, maybe it is the lousy weather or maybe it’s the porridge, they seem to love it.
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