Friday, July 24, 2009

The FACTS in context are; I won’t complain about the heat, it was just right yesterday, high of 18. The bugs were annoying though, big ol horse stingers kept Siutik on the move.

At least one person seems to get high blood pressure reading my blog. The sudden rush of blood seems to lead them to making irrational, negative and nit picking comments.
There is a sure fire cure for that high blood pressure problem you know.


Shammickite said...

Good to hear about the plastic bag ban, wish it would happen here. But many stores in this area now charge 5cents for a plastic bag and I see many more people carrying their own reusable bags with them.

dannytoro1 said...

Was I being irrational again? lol

Brian said...

It’s those pesky liwdl anon commenters, gives me the creeps they do.

Wejitu said...

I didn't say a word...

Brian said...

There will be no further comment while the investigation is on going :-}