Friday, July 17, 2009

Now this water diversion plan seems like a very dumb idea. Historically these large water diversions have proven to be disasters of monumental proportions and end up having to be reversed; California and Florida are just two examples of these follies.

According to this report three bears have been shot around town this week. No surprise really as bears have become more brazen and must be getting used to seeking out food in or near the communities for whatever reason [there is always a reason].
I am surprised that there does not seem to be any coordinated plan in dealing with problem bears. It seems you wait until bears become a threat [real or perceived] to humans or their pets then you go and shoot them. Reactionary versus pro action

The fog and drizzle continues and will be with us for some days yet it seems.


dannytoro1 said...

Wow, the Quebec diversion scheme seems quite dodgy. I guess the folks around Hudson Bay are a causality of war presumably. With little or no say in it no doubt.

Shammickite said...

I feel sad about the bears. And the water too.

Old Brooktrout said...

What's going on? I thought we weren't doing water exports to our southern brethren?

Brian said...

I would hazard a guess that it will be some time and many court cases down the river before something on this scale goes ahead. Unless the armaments industry feels a need for new targets that is.