The Northern Ranger appeared out of the dissipating fog on time [12.30] yesterday. The usual accompaniment of Labrador passengers on board and about a dozen tourists, the majority who were on a round trip.
Siutik was shameful in her acceptance of all the adulation and picture taking from the tourists.
We ended our first week as members of the Team Nain involved in the Small steps Big results program yesterday. I have averaged 8, 553 steps a day, Fran somewhat less.
Team Nain is doing well, we have taken the lead over Admirals Coast Walkers in the coast to coast challenge, long way to go yet though.
The winning team gets to go down under to participate in the backoftheblackstump walk about
that is Fran’s dream anyway.
How about these members of the house of assembly eh? They have formed a committee to tour the province asking for the publics input into whether they deserve a pay raise. Any one heard of the on going constituency spending scandal folks.
Depending on whom you believe the base salary for an MHA is either $92, 580 or $102,580.00 per annum, I side with the lower of the two.
On top of the base salary there are living, travel, meals expenses paid. Outside the extra pay for ministers and speakers ext. there is a stipend of $200 a day for sitting on committees, plus travel and meals and accommodations.
So these fine folks are living high on the hog for part of the summer going around asking for your democratic input, at your expense that is.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Lazy summer days.
Monday, July 27, 2009
This post and the following two are pictures of the water bomber, helped by a chopper, putting out the bush/bog fire yesterday. The first photo was taken from the roof of our house, the remaining were taken from the Nain dock.
From memory this is the first time that any fire fighting support has been sent into this area, at least at close proximity to Nain. The usual is ‘let it burn itself out’.
It certainly is the first time I have witnessed a water bomber in action, even if it was at a distance, some sight seeing the drop and hearing those powerful engines kick in when the plane had had its fill.
What was a tranquil sleepy weekend came to an abrupt and fiery end early this morning.
First up; the power went out not long after midnight some time, it was back on at 2 AM is all I know.
Turns out the power was shut off due to a fire at the Councils hazardous waste storage shed, it was almost burnt to the ground. The shed was located behind the Council garage.
There was still smoke hanging around this morning, this was puzzling some people. Turned out this smoke was from a fire over the hill just south west of what is known as ‘blow hole’. A plane did a re con earlier and reported it as just smoldering.
Seems it is now more than smoldering as it is reported that a water bomber is on the way from GB.

The yatch is from Montreal, going to who knows where.
Update: The fire is out, the water bomber and a chopper fought the blaze/smoulder. Some photos of the bomber in action later.
The mv Astron is still at Natuashish with a broken crane or hydraulics or something, whatever it is it can’t unload or even open the hatch.
Looking like a repeat of a couple years ago when things went wrong with the Ranger and the freight vessel every other week. Not very good for us on the coast who rely on this service for all our basics.
Turns out the power was shut off due to a fire at the Councils hazardous waste storage shed, it was almost burnt to the ground. The shed was located behind the Council garage.
There was still smoke hanging around this morning, this was puzzling some people. Turned out this smoke was from a fire over the hill just south west of what is known as ‘blow hole’. A plane did a re con earlier and reported it as just smoldering.
Seems it is now more than smoldering as it is reported that a water bomber is on the way from GB.
The yatch is from Montreal, going to who knows where.
Update: The fire is out, the water bomber and a chopper fought the blaze/smoulder. Some photos of the bomber in action later.
The mv Astron is still at Natuashish with a broken crane or hydraulics or something, whatever it is it can’t unload or even open the hatch.
Looking like a repeat of a couple years ago when things went wrong with the Ranger and the freight vessel every other week. Not very good for us on the coast who rely on this service for all our basics.
That was about the best weekend weather wise we have had for some time. 

Saturday saw us being minders to tow little munchkins for about 12 hours, their parents went off fishing and we had the honor of entertaining them. Between Fran as good cop and me as bad cop things worked out OK, though at times the acting out temper tantrums stretched the good cop’s commitment.
At the dock the flies were out in force, Fran refuses to wear modern bug jackets or fly dope. The munchkins do not do walking we were told so a couple trips around the trails on the four wheeler kept things quite for a bit. Then there was a conflict about who wanted to go where and when, will keep my own council on the little one.
Sunday we took a stole over the other side of harbor, there were only two people fishing over there which was a surprise as the word was out that some big char were being caught at the dock earlier that morning.
On the return walk Siutik came across a low flying bird and gave chase. At times it was hard to figure out who was chasing who, the chase seemed like it was going to go on forever so I had to call her off.

At the ball park some folks were in the early stages of a beach volleyball game, they are pretty good at it too.
The crane on the Northern Ranger broke down last week, now we have the Aston delayed in Natuashish [the next port south of us] for undisclosed reasons. There is no wind to speak of, no rain, hail or pestilence, so maybe it must be heat exhaustion.
So the perishable freight that the ranger left behind and the Astron picked up in GB is going to be in some fine shape by the time it gets here.
Saturday saw us being minders to tow little munchkins for about 12 hours, their parents went off fishing and we had the honor of entertaining them. Between Fran as good cop and me as bad cop things worked out OK, though at times the acting out temper tantrums stretched the good cop’s commitment.
At the dock the flies were out in force, Fran refuses to wear modern bug jackets or fly dope. The munchkins do not do walking we were told so a couple trips around the trails on the four wheeler kept things quite for a bit. Then there was a conflict about who wanted to go where and when, will keep my own council on the little one.
Sunday we took a stole over the other side of harbor, there were only two people fishing over there which was a surprise as the word was out that some big char were being caught at the dock earlier that morning.
On the return walk Siutik came across a low flying bird and gave chase. At times it was hard to figure out who was chasing who, the chase seemed like it was going to go on forever so I had to call her off.
At the ball park some folks were in the early stages of a beach volleyball game, they are pretty good at it too.
The crane on the Northern Ranger broke down last week, now we have the Aston delayed in Natuashish [the next port south of us] for undisclosed reasons. There is no wind to speak of, no rain, hail or pestilence, so maybe it must be heat exhaustion.
So the perishable freight that the ranger left behind and the Astron picked up in GB is going to be in some fine shape by the time it gets here.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Another grand day yesterday
, 19 official but warmer than that in the sun....sun.... sun glorious sun.
Down the airstrip the other day some people were discussing digital pedometers and something called Small Steps-Big Results. I was not paying much attention but the digital pedometer caught my eye. I asked if I could by one, no problem I was told, $15.00 and it’s yours.
I was then asked if I wanted to join the group, why not I thought.
So I/we are now in Team Nain in this Province and Canada wide initiative to get people more active.
I figure we do a good deal of walking as it is but this may help motivate just that little bit extra, time and joints will tell.
Siutik is the other half of the sub group; she wears the arm band while I wear the pedometer. Maybe I should figure out a way to attach the ped to Siutik, great way to up the steps average.
Down the airstrip the other day some people were discussing digital pedometers and something called Small Steps-Big Results. I was not paying much attention but the digital pedometer caught my eye. I asked if I could by one, no problem I was told, $15.00 and it’s yours.
I was then asked if I wanted to join the group, why not I thought.
So I/we are now in Team Nain in this Province and Canada wide initiative to get people more active.
I figure we do a good deal of walking as it is but this may help motivate just that little bit extra, time and joints will tell.
Siutik is the other half of the sub group; she wears the arm band while I wear the pedometer. Maybe I should figure out a way to attach the ped to Siutik, great way to up the steps average.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The FACTS in context are; I won’t complain about the heat, it was just right yesterday, high of 18. The bugs were annoying though, big ol horse stingers kept Siutik on the move.
At least one person seems to get high blood pressure reading my blog. The sudden rush of blood seems to lead them to making irrational, negative and nit picking comments.
There is a sure fire cure for that high blood pressure problem you know.
At least one person seems to get high blood pressure reading my blog. The sudden rush of blood seems to lead them to making irrational, negative and nit picking comments.
There is a sure fire cure for that high blood pressure problem you know.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I am more than a little pleasantly surprised that the Nain Inuit Community Government has decided to ban plastic bags come December 1st.
I do admit to being worried that the proposal would not get enough votes to pass, congratulations NICG.
I was remiss in mentioning before that the leaning snack outlet in Nain “Puff in Snack” [and only beer outlet] has had a notice in store for some time announcing they would not be handing out plastic bags from December. They urge people to bring their own bags. No, leaning is not a typo.
So we have in store bulk filtered water, plastic bag bans a huge clean up program at the dump on going and a beach cleanup today courtesy of NICG, things are moving along quite well.
Subsequent to my post on the Executive Director of OK resigning, seems there was an offer that was too good to refuse involved in the decision. None the less my views on the stress of the job, especially for people from away, still stand.
Down the dock yesterday talking to a couple about the weather and the projected summer like temperatures for rest of week, guy says he is not going to complain about the heat once. Me neither, just record the facts.
I do admit to being worried that the proposal would not get enough votes to pass, congratulations NICG.
I was remiss in mentioning before that the leaning snack outlet in Nain “Puff in Snack” [and only beer outlet] has had a notice in store for some time announcing they would not be handing out plastic bags from December. They urge people to bring their own bags. No, leaning is not a typo.
So we have in store bulk filtered water, plastic bag bans a huge clean up program at the dump on going and a beach cleanup today courtesy of NICG, things are moving along quite well.
Subsequent to my post on the Executive Director of OK resigning, seems there was an offer that was too good to refuse involved in the decision. None the less my views on the stress of the job, especially for people from away, still stand.
Down the dock yesterday talking to a couple about the weather and the projected summer like temperatures for rest of week, guy says he is not going to complain about the heat once. Me neither, just record the facts.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
People are up in arms about the fact the Northern Ranger left Goose Bay without any freight this trip.
I have lost contact about who to target in NL government what with all the minister coming and going. It is a hard slog finding out who is the best to contact but more important who really gives a dam about the north.
I think I will leave it up to those on 90 grand salaries for a bit and see what eventuates.
Looks like Okalakatiget Society is looking for a new Executive Director. The present ED is resigning as of next month which is a pity but thems the breaks.
I think the pressures of that job are too great for one person, sort of puts the predecessor’s reign of 28 years in a bit of perspective.
Northern has a new reverse osmosis water purification machine. It is not fully installed yet but there will be four sixes of containers available. You initially purchase the bottles and the first fill up is free.
At first blush the prices are reasonable for consequent fill ups. I hope these things catch on and help reduce the need to bring all that bottled water in.
Northern Ranger update. Can’t even get there automated arrivals/departures right. When you dialed the 866 # it said ETA Nain 1.30 pm. It was at the dock at 12.30.
Then it sits there for the usual 3 hours before leaving on the return trip. Why they stick to the schedule is beyond any ones understanding, seeing it has no freight aboard you think would they would take the opportunity to return to GB ASAP to get to work on the defective crane.
As to the freight left behind in GB. No thanks to the 90 grand folks, and with many phone calls by a certain individual [not me], the Astron was turned around from Makkovik on its way north to go pick up at least the perishables in GB.
Seeing as there are no potatoes in town that seems reasonable, even if the powers that be at Labrador Coastal Marine were at first reluctant to accommodate.
As usual the 90 grand folk are slow off the mark, they may be working on the problem but you have to be a smarter starter to get things done in a way that helps the ordinary bloke I am afraid to say.
I have lost contact about who to target in NL government what with all the minister coming and going. It is a hard slog finding out who is the best to contact but more important who really gives a dam about the north.
I think I will leave it up to those on 90 grand salaries for a bit and see what eventuates.
Looks like Okalakatiget Society is looking for a new Executive Director. The present ED is resigning as of next month which is a pity but thems the breaks.
I think the pressures of that job are too great for one person, sort of puts the predecessor’s reign of 28 years in a bit of perspective.
Northern has a new reverse osmosis water purification machine. It is not fully installed yet but there will be four sixes of containers available. You initially purchase the bottles and the first fill up is free.
At first blush the prices are reasonable for consequent fill ups. I hope these things catch on and help reduce the need to bring all that bottled water in.
Northern Ranger update. Can’t even get there automated arrivals/departures right. When you dialed the 866 # it said ETA Nain 1.30 pm. It was at the dock at 12.30.
Then it sits there for the usual 3 hours before leaving on the return trip. Why they stick to the schedule is beyond any ones understanding, seeing it has no freight aboard you think would they would take the opportunity to return to GB ASAP to get to work on the defective crane.
As to the freight left behind in GB. No thanks to the 90 grand folks, and with many phone calls by a certain individual [not me], the Astron was turned around from Makkovik on its way north to go pick up at least the perishables in GB.
Seeing as there are no potatoes in town that seems reasonable, even if the powers that be at Labrador Coastal Marine were at first reluctant to accommodate.
As usual the 90 grand folk are slow off the mark, they may be working on the problem but you have to be a smarter starter to get things done in a way that helps the ordinary bloke I am afraid to say.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
WTF: Like I feel like I’m in some sort of weird time warp movie, today is like yesterday and tomorrow will be today.
WTF2: The Northern ranger is on its way north……with passengers only.
Seems the on board crane is not working, bloody great in it, all off season to do maintenance. I think this is a first, the crane has had breakdowns mid trip but I can’t remember The Ranger ever leaving GB without any freight before.
WTF3: The Federal Government has committed 4 million dollars over 4 years for maintenance of Labrador coastal airstrips. From the interview I heard this morning it would seem there is still the on going agro between the province and feds about who does what and when. The province operates the airstrips and the feds pay for it. The province it seems still has not put in their proposal for funding new airstrips for two coastal communities including Nain.
This sort of CRAP is what happens when both levels of government decide that they really do not want to fund certain projects as this time. Seems silly putting things off, the price tag will only increase every year, but that is the way the game is played.
I sure hope the provincial government is not waiting for Nains new airstrip before fixing the toilets down there, and Rigolet has the same problem.
A fourth black bear was shot last Friday. The decision to shoot the bears was a multi level provincial and NG government decision. Seems two cubs and mom and one other were the victims. The bears were showing no signs of fear of humans and were looking quite comfortable in the vicinity of town and all its noises, foods sources etc. I guess they would wouldn’t they.
The relocation of Hebron is still a very emotional issue for many people, you just have to watch the video “Always in Our Hearts” [produced by Okalakatiget Society] to get a good sense of the pain and hurt and anger over the way the whole relocation was handled.
Now we have an internal squabble that can only exacerbate the pain and hurt. I listened to two interviews by Andrea Webb and Jim Lyall. Andrea's was very emotional and Jim's had a slight air of detached and on the arrogance about it, funny how reasonable people become like that after they get elected to positions of power.
Both did not really communicate effectively to what the real issue seems to be here. That is that the Hebron relocation committee wanted to take one or two of their family members to the special ceremony next month. The president was saying no, you can’t do that as money is short and you can’t take your family members and not include all other family of relocates.
I am open for correction but that is my reading of what is going on.
Again, with some pre planning and pro active thinking by both parties this debacle could have been avoided.
Now Jim might say to me, "if you have any good ideas and solutions then convey them". To which I would say "show me the money baby".
WTF2: The Northern ranger is on its way north……with passengers only.
Seems the on board crane is not working, bloody great in it, all off season to do maintenance. I think this is a first, the crane has had breakdowns mid trip but I can’t remember The Ranger ever leaving GB without any freight before.
WTF3: The Federal Government has committed 4 million dollars over 4 years for maintenance of Labrador coastal airstrips. From the interview I heard this morning it would seem there is still the on going agro between the province and feds about who does what and when. The province operates the airstrips and the feds pay for it. The province it seems still has not put in their proposal for funding new airstrips for two coastal communities including Nain.
This sort of CRAP is what happens when both levels of government decide that they really do not want to fund certain projects as this time. Seems silly putting things off, the price tag will only increase every year, but that is the way the game is played.
I sure hope the provincial government is not waiting for Nains new airstrip before fixing the toilets down there, and Rigolet has the same problem.
A fourth black bear was shot last Friday. The decision to shoot the bears was a multi level provincial and NG government decision. Seems two cubs and mom and one other were the victims. The bears were showing no signs of fear of humans and were looking quite comfortable in the vicinity of town and all its noises, foods sources etc. I guess they would wouldn’t they.
The relocation of Hebron is still a very emotional issue for many people, you just have to watch the video “Always in Our Hearts” [produced by Okalakatiget Society] to get a good sense of the pain and hurt and anger over the way the whole relocation was handled.
Now we have an internal squabble that can only exacerbate the pain and hurt. I listened to two interviews by Andrea Webb and Jim Lyall. Andrea's was very emotional and Jim's had a slight air of detached and on the arrogance about it, funny how reasonable people become like that after they get elected to positions of power.
Both did not really communicate effectively to what the real issue seems to be here. That is that the Hebron relocation committee wanted to take one or two of their family members to the special ceremony next month. The president was saying no, you can’t do that as money is short and you can’t take your family members and not include all other family of relocates.
I am open for correction but that is my reading of what is going on.
Again, with some pre planning and pro active thinking by both parties this debacle could have been avoided.
Now Jim might say to me, "if you have any good ideas and solutions then convey them". To which I would say "show me the money baby".
Monday, July 20, 2009
Socked down in fog and drizzle again.
Got away with quite a nice weekend though. Sunday was cloudy with the in wind cooled things down but Saturday was very nice. The break allowed planes and choppers play catch up with business, things were busy on the streets with people out catching a few rays and just enjoying life in general and it allowed me to almost finish my little garden wall project at the font of the house.
The dock was busy with long liners loading the final freight and passengers for what has become the annul trek north to set up and operate the camp in the Torngat National Park.
The crews on the new NG building were rocking and rolling, seems like every trade there is in construction is on the site at the moment, action plus.
We had a little care package come in Saturday, I used some blue cheese from same on my steak yesterday, had almost forgotten what a good blue taste like. Funny Fran won’t touch the stuff, but ‘aged’ cod livers were OK. I think I would feel the same about the aged cod livers.
The dock was busy with long liners loading the final freight and passengers for what has become the annul trek north to set up and operate the camp in the Torngat National Park.
The crews on the new NG building were rocking and rolling, seems like every trade there is in construction is on the site at the moment, action plus.
We had a little care package come in Saturday, I used some blue cheese from same on my steak yesterday, had almost forgotten what a good blue taste like. Funny Fran won’t touch the stuff, but ‘aged’ cod livers were OK. I think I would feel the same about the aged cod livers.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Now this water diversion plan seems like a very dumb idea. Historically these large water diversions have proven to be disasters of monumental proportions and end up having to be reversed; California and Florida are just two examples of these follies.
According to this report three bears have been shot around town this week. No surprise really as bears have become more brazen and must be getting used to seeking out food in or near the communities for whatever reason [there is always a reason].
I am surprised that there does not seem to be any coordinated plan in dealing with problem bears. It seems you wait until bears become a threat [real or perceived] to humans or their pets then you go and shoot them. Reactionary versus pro action
The fog and drizzle continues and will be with us for some days yet it seems.
According to this report three bears have been shot around town this week. No surprise really as bears have become more brazen and must be getting used to seeking out food in or near the communities for whatever reason [there is always a reason].
I am surprised that there does not seem to be any coordinated plan in dealing with problem bears. It seems you wait until bears become a threat [real or perceived] to humans or their pets then you go and shoot them. Reactionary versus pro action
The fog and drizzle continues and will be with us for some days yet it seems.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
This rhubarb from Okak, the abandoned Village, was in a pot for a couple of years doing not much of anything. I transplanted it out in this spot last year.
About 5 weeks ago it was hardly visible above the ground now it is going gang busters, but I am not sure if it supposed to be going gang busters in this fashion. Any way it looks great.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
T’was fogged in yesterday, same today, and same tomorrow by the look of things.
We were down town doing some chores and shopping, of course the main topic of discussion was the fog just beating out the bears. Fran assured people that “it was a warm fog” therefore it will burn off.
Low and behold the fog lifted by about 1 and it turned into a nice day.
I had a chicken out for supper but was not sure what dish to do with it. All depended on how cold or hot it was, it is hard to tell what these warm foggy days will do.
In a compromise we had bricked chicken with double garlic baked potatoes along with yellowing lettuce and un-ripened tomato salad.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
This year I relocated our basic bird feeder from the rear of the house to the front. Not sure it was a great idea; the way these veracious little birds eat we will have to apply for a government grant to keep up with the feed. Oh I know, we can get the food by mail to subsidies the bird feed, they seem to be subsidizing everything else in the food line, well not everything but many things that should not be.
Any way the birds are lining up at the feeding like it is a Tim Horton’s drive through at coffee break.
One larger junco has been feeding a younger one but I have not been able to capture it yet. The white crown sparrows push the juncos out and the big bad gray jay push them all out. Still they all get there fill.
Monday, July 13, 2009
While in Northern on Saturday the manager approached me and asked if I had ever eaten kale. Not that I recall was my reply.
The manager retreated into the storage cooler and returned with a big bunch of what looked like wilted greens; some of the leaves were yellow, not very inviting looking.
After some banter he asked if I wanted to take a bunch and give them a try. With some reluctance I offered to take half a bunch.
So yesterday I gave the Kale a try. Like all good cooks I Goggled ‘cooking Kale’ to get some hints on the prep and cooking methods.
Pictured is the end result accompanied by honey/mustard/ginger roast pork, crispy baked spuds, yam and home made apple sauce.
Method of cooking: I removed the stems and the yellow leaves, chopped the kale in large pieces. Boiled the Kale for several minutes then left it in the pot until just before serving time.
I then sautéed the kale in butter, ginger, red wine vinegar and some mustard for about 4 minutes.
End result. The kale kept its shape and size like cabbage does and unlike spinach and bok choy which goes limp and seems to vanish before your eyes with over cooking.
Taste test. As Fran said, different. Bitter and chewy, I found the bitterness just about right, just taking the edge off the sweetness of the apple sauce and the yams. Still I think I’d rather go with spinach or bok choy even though the cooking process is more delicate.
Fran did not eat more than one mouthful, bad Fran has to do the dishes for a week.
So the weather was not as bad as forecast over the weekend, cloudy with some light rain. It did not keep the folks indoors, lots of people out down the dock and other areas fishing and just enjoying the weekend.
The manager retreated into the storage cooler and returned with a big bunch of what looked like wilted greens; some of the leaves were yellow, not very inviting looking.
After some banter he asked if I wanted to take a bunch and give them a try. With some reluctance I offered to take half a bunch.
So yesterday I gave the Kale a try. Like all good cooks I Goggled ‘cooking Kale’ to get some hints on the prep and cooking methods.
Pictured is the end result accompanied by honey/mustard/ginger roast pork, crispy baked spuds, yam and home made apple sauce.
I then sautéed the kale in butter, ginger, red wine vinegar and some mustard for about 4 minutes.
End result. The kale kept its shape and size like cabbage does and unlike spinach and bok choy which goes limp and seems to vanish before your eyes with over cooking.
Taste test. As Fran said, different. Bitter and chewy, I found the bitterness just about right, just taking the edge off the sweetness of the apple sauce and the yams. Still I think I’d rather go with spinach or bok choy even though the cooking process is more delicate.
Fran did not eat more than one mouthful, bad Fran has to do the dishes for a week.
So the weather was not as bad as forecast over the weekend, cloudy with some light rain. It did not keep the folks indoors, lots of people out down the dock and other areas fishing and just enjoying the weekend.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Three black bear sightings the other night, one large and one medium bear in town, around the waters edge and amongst the houses. The larger one was spotted over at the brook behind the power plant. That most likely is the one I reported on a couple weeks ago. The authorities put some shots over the bow of the larger one and it took off into the woods.
I wonder if any one has considered a bear trap be built or procured for the town, bears have been more common and brazen in the last several years.
On the weather front: seems like our summery run is temporarily on hold, showers and cloudy until Thursday according to the Canadian model.
I was reading through the Hansard for the Nunatsiavut Assembly of November 08, the last to be published.
There was a lot of hard to read and understand material on Trusts and tax regimes etc. Towards the end of the session things became more interesting.
A question from an ordinary member was put to the Minister of Culture, Recreation, Youth and Elders regarding his arrival at the Assembly a day late.
The question was asked of the minister: was the reason he was late due to his attendance at a football game in Montreal.
The minister’s answer was; “the short answer is no the member, that is not what it was and because it is personal I won’t get into specifics or details, thank you very much”.
The next question from the member was; “so to be quick and to the point, were you at the football game? Thank you mister speaker”.
The minister’s answer was; “I was at the football game, thank you”.
Why this stands out is the fact the same minister used the same “personal” reason for not attending the Language Conference held in Nain last year. I wonder if anybody bothered a follow up question on that one?
There is interesting reading in those Hansard transcripts, people of Nunatsiavut should put the effort into reading them, it can be hard slog but the juicy bits make the slog worthwhile IMO.
I wonder if any one has considered a bear trap be built or procured for the town, bears have been more common and brazen in the last several years.
On the weather front: seems like our summery run is temporarily on hold, showers and cloudy until Thursday according to the Canadian model.
I was reading through the Hansard for the Nunatsiavut Assembly of November 08, the last to be published.
There was a lot of hard to read and understand material on Trusts and tax regimes etc. Towards the end of the session things became more interesting.
A question from an ordinary member was put to the Minister of Culture, Recreation, Youth and Elders regarding his arrival at the Assembly a day late.
The question was asked of the minister: was the reason he was late due to his attendance at a football game in Montreal.
The minister’s answer was; “the short answer is no the member, that is not what it was and because it is personal I won’t get into specifics or details, thank you very much”.
The next question from the member was; “so to be quick and to the point, were you at the football game? Thank you mister speaker”.
The minister’s answer was; “I was at the football game, thank you”.
Why this stands out is the fact the same minister used the same “personal” reason for not attending the Language Conference held in Nain last year. I wonder if anybody bothered a follow up question on that one?
There is interesting reading in those Hansard transcripts, people of Nunatsiavut should put the effort into reading them, it can be hard slog but the juicy bits make the slog worthwhile IMO.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Heritage Stutus for Moravian Church?
Last Sunday evening we attended a public meeting called by the Board of the Moravian Church in Newfoundland and Labrador [MCNL]. The MCNL has ultimate responsibility for all church properties in Labrador.
The public meeting was for the pubic to have input into an effort by MCNL to gain Heritage Status for the church building and eventually for a couple of other buildings, mainly the old Hettasch house and the Old Boarding School that is at another site.
A good turnout of about 30 souls was on hand, predominately church elders and chapel servants with a sprinkling of other residents.
Also in on the meeting by phone was the MHA for Torngat Maintains and a gentleman from [HFNL].
It was pointed out by the chair of the meeting, Joan Andersen who is also the chair of the MCNL, that it would be prudent if everybody could center their attention on finding out if the community was interested in saving the church and obtaining Heritage Status for it.
Heritage Status would mean money could be obtained from Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador [HFNL] for retrofitting and upgrading the church, as long as the local church committee could put up matching funds.
Of course that was like whistling into the wind as things got off topic quite a bit. I thought the chair did a great job answering the off topic points and a better job steering the discussion back on topic.
It was proposed that a heritage committee of about six people be formed; the chair gave out the names of several people who had indicated they would be interested in being considered. The assembled were asked if any one else was interested in being involved, the silence indicated to me that no one else was.
This proposed committee concerned some of the elders who feared that it would usurp some of their powers and responsibilities. Of course this fear was and is absurd but none the less much discussion at the meeting and further discussion privately the next morning hopefully alleviated any of the fears.
There was also some discussion about the possibility that the church could be dismantled and a new church built as some deemed it to be unsafe.
I think any reasonable thinking person would be aghast at this proposal. I had a sense that the idea of removing the church was floated by parochial self interested outside sources. Sure the church has many defects and needs many upgrades, that is precisely what this meeting was all about, trying to save it and renovate it.
There was anecdotal evidence given that engineers have deemed the church safe for the moment and it can be safely used in the short term.
If there is an overwhelming need to build a new and larger church then it could be done, but there was a feeling that it should not be built on the existing site as it has significant heritage value. There is the church built in 1923 on the site of the original church built in 1777, an old manse called the Hettasch house and the oldest building was used as a twine loft at one time plus for other uses now called the shed. There are also foundations of buildings long since pulled down or destroyed by fire. Unfortunately [to me] there seems to be a consensus that the old shed should be dismantled. Perhaps it is just too dilapidated and can not be saved, still it is a pity.
After much discussion and to and throw the chair asked the assembled if any one was against applying for Heritage Status for the church. The dead silence would indicate to me no one was.
So the Heritage Committee and MCNL have until September to get its act together and file an application to HFNL. The Heritage Committee will work in conjunction with and full discloser with the local church committee.
I wish them all the good luck in the world.
The public meeting was for the pubic to have input into an effort by MCNL to gain Heritage Status for the church building and eventually for a couple of other buildings, mainly the old Hettasch house and the Old Boarding School that is at another site.
A good turnout of about 30 souls was on hand, predominately church elders and chapel servants with a sprinkling of other residents.
Also in on the meeting by phone was the MHA for Torngat Maintains and a gentleman from [HFNL].
It was pointed out by the chair of the meeting, Joan Andersen who is also the chair of the MCNL, that it would be prudent if everybody could center their attention on finding out if the community was interested in saving the church and obtaining Heritage Status for it.
Heritage Status would mean money could be obtained from Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador [HFNL] for retrofitting and upgrading the church, as long as the local church committee could put up matching funds.
Of course that was like whistling into the wind as things got off topic quite a bit. I thought the chair did a great job answering the off topic points and a better job steering the discussion back on topic.
It was proposed that a heritage committee of about six people be formed; the chair gave out the names of several people who had indicated they would be interested in being considered. The assembled were asked if any one else was interested in being involved, the silence indicated to me that no one else was.
This proposed committee concerned some of the elders who feared that it would usurp some of their powers and responsibilities. Of course this fear was and is absurd but none the less much discussion at the meeting and further discussion privately the next morning hopefully alleviated any of the fears.
There was also some discussion about the possibility that the church could be dismantled and a new church built as some deemed it to be unsafe.
I think any reasonable thinking person would be aghast at this proposal. I had a sense that the idea of removing the church was floated by parochial self interested outside sources. Sure the church has many defects and needs many upgrades, that is precisely what this meeting was all about, trying to save it and renovate it.
There was anecdotal evidence given that engineers have deemed the church safe for the moment and it can be safely used in the short term.
If there is an overwhelming need to build a new and larger church then it could be done, but there was a feeling that it should not be built on the existing site as it has significant heritage value. There is the church built in 1923 on the site of the original church built in 1777, an old manse called the Hettasch house and the oldest building was used as a twine loft at one time plus for other uses now called the shed. There are also foundations of buildings long since pulled down or destroyed by fire. Unfortunately [to me] there seems to be a consensus that the old shed should be dismantled. Perhaps it is just too dilapidated and can not be saved, still it is a pity.
After much discussion and to and throw the chair asked the assembled if any one was against applying for Heritage Status for the church. The dead silence would indicate to me no one was.
So the Heritage Committee and MCNL have until September to get its act together and file an application to HFNL. The Heritage Committee will work in conjunction with and full discloser with the local church committee.
I wish them all the good luck in the world.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
The weather was really amazing yesterday for the arrival of the first cruise ship. As well the harbor was buzzing with people going off in boat, about a dozen kayaks out doing basic water safety and the arrival of the Northern Ranger.

The local cruise committee had organized a warm welcome for the Orlova with tents erected for cooking traditional foods, craft displays and sales as well as a seal cleaning demonstration and some performances by local groups.
As an observer it seemed to go down very well with good participation by locals and the 100 people off the ship. I hope either the passengers and or the cruise operators dropped some money during their 5 hours in town as some people went to great lengths to welcome them.
We were anticipating the Orlova as one of Fran’s childhood buddies from Hopedale was on board with her husband. Hannie now lives in Ottawa and has been trying to get up to Hebron for some years. As the Orlova is scheduled to call in there tomorrow Hannie decided to do this cruise, it being the cheapest way they could come up with. Especially this year as the cruise ended up a great deal, two for one with all the discounts.
We sure hope they do make it into Hebron, the ice is still an issue up that way, and the constant easterly winds are keeping the ice inshore from just north of Nain to up past Saglek. Some crew off the Orlova consulted with some locals, who seemed to think they can get inside the ice from the north, time will tell I guess.
Added to the ice issue is a problem with the engines on board the Orlova. The crew could not give an accurate ETA in Nain, the best they came up with was a four hour window, we wondered why but found out later it was engine problems after they left Makkovik Tuesday evening.
The town AngajukKak is having some health issues, sort of out of the blue. She is in Goose Bay waiting to get to St. John’s for more tests, we wish Sarah god speed and a quick and full recovery.
Workers in Voisey’s Bay nickel mine have voted overwhelmingly to go on strike. I have no idea what the issues are but on the face of it it would seem like not a good time for striking. Workers in Sudbury are expected to vote for strike action when their vote is taken.
Update on the proposed banning of bottle water by the Oz town of Bundanoon. Well they did it and good for them. Now the NSW Government has joined in by also banning bottled water.
A fishing vessel came into dock this morning on a sad mission. The captain had died of a heart attach, the remaining crew seem to be unfamiliar with the boat so no telling how long it will be here.
The boat is not from here, will leave the rest of news for later.
The local cruise committee had organized a warm welcome for the Orlova with tents erected for cooking traditional foods, craft displays and sales as well as a seal cleaning demonstration and some performances by local groups.
As an observer it seemed to go down very well with good participation by locals and the 100 people off the ship. I hope either the passengers and or the cruise operators dropped some money during their 5 hours in town as some people went to great lengths to welcome them.
We were anticipating the Orlova as one of Fran’s childhood buddies from Hopedale was on board with her husband. Hannie now lives in Ottawa and has been trying to get up to Hebron for some years. As the Orlova is scheduled to call in there tomorrow Hannie decided to do this cruise, it being the cheapest way they could come up with. Especially this year as the cruise ended up a great deal, two for one with all the discounts.
We sure hope they do make it into Hebron, the ice is still an issue up that way, and the constant easterly winds are keeping the ice inshore from just north of Nain to up past Saglek. Some crew off the Orlova consulted with some locals, who seemed to think they can get inside the ice from the north, time will tell I guess.
Added to the ice issue is a problem with the engines on board the Orlova. The crew could not give an accurate ETA in Nain, the best they came up with was a four hour window, we wondered why but found out later it was engine problems after they left Makkovik Tuesday evening.
The town AngajukKak is having some health issues, sort of out of the blue. She is in Goose Bay waiting to get to St. John’s for more tests, we wish Sarah god speed and a quick and full recovery.
Workers in Voisey’s Bay nickel mine have voted overwhelmingly to go on strike. I have no idea what the issues are but on the face of it it would seem like not a good time for striking. Workers in Sudbury are expected to vote for strike action when their vote is taken.
Update on the proposed banning of bottle water by the Oz town of Bundanoon. Well they did it and good for them. Now the NSW Government has joined in by also banning bottled water.
A fishing vessel came into dock this morning on a sad mission. The captain had died of a heart attach, the remaining crew seem to be unfamiliar with the boat so no telling how long it will be here.
The boat is not from here, will leave the rest of news for later.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
At the July meeting of the Nain Inuit Community Government [council] a proposal to ban plastic shopping bags is to be tabled. I sent a letter of support for the ban. Others who give a shit about our environment should do like wise.
I finished off my letter with a plea to look at banning the sale of bottled water. Nain would be looked at as innovative and a leader in positive thinking if it took my urgings seriously.
Nice start to the week weather wise and looking OK for the rest of the week.
The mv Orlova is scheduled to arrive in the harbor some time today, I hear there is a nice little reception planned. Could be a busy little area down the dock with the weekly arrival of the Ranger at 12:30.
I finished off my letter with a plea to look at banning the sale of bottled water. Nain would be looked at as innovative and a leader in positive thinking if it took my urgings seriously.
Nice start to the week weather wise and looking OK for the rest of the week.
The mv Orlova is scheduled to arrive in the harbor some time today, I hear there is a nice little reception planned. Could be a busy little area down the dock with the weekly arrival of the Ranger at 12:30.
Monday, July 06, 2009
The good news is historically we have had no snow days in the months of July/August.
The other news, good or bad depending on your view, is that to date in the month of July we are right on the historical lows average with 5.2. We are well below the average high of 15.1 with only 9.3 to date.
Around town on the weekend it was eerily like fall, fog, cloud, cool in wind, place seemed semi deserted yesterday, that is quite the norm for Sundays, yet it is still eerie.
The place does come alive somewhat in the afternoons; I guess we are early persons.
Saturday afternoon there was a lot of action and noise at the Husky Center, Nain Care had a bike rodeo and a BBQ.
I know this because I was cleaning up refuse from the CBC site just across the road from the Husky Center for an hour and a half.
I only did the inside of the fenced property, perhaps some of a younger age and contributor to the refuse mess would like to volunteer and do the outside of the perimeter.
Hallelujah, we have sun and does it feel good.
Double hallelujah, I was down at the CBC site this AM to re set a computer, to my surprise I noticed quite the difference around the outside of the fence. Person or persons unknown cleaned up the refuse that had blown against it.
The other news, good or bad depending on your view, is that to date in the month of July we are right on the historical lows average with 5.2. We are well below the average high of 15.1 with only 9.3 to date.
Around town on the weekend it was eerily like fall, fog, cloud, cool in wind, place seemed semi deserted yesterday, that is quite the norm for Sundays, yet it is still eerie.
The place does come alive somewhat in the afternoons; I guess we are early persons.
Saturday afternoon there was a lot of action and noise at the Husky Center, Nain Care had a bike rodeo and a BBQ.
I know this because I was cleaning up refuse from the CBC site just across the road from the Husky Center for an hour and a half.
I only did the inside of the fenced property, perhaps some of a younger age and contributor to the refuse mess would like to volunteer and do the outside of the perimeter.
Hallelujah, we have sun and does it feel good.
Double hallelujah, I was down at the CBC site this AM to re set a computer, to my surprise I noticed quite the difference around the outside of the fence. Person or persons unknown cleaned up the refuse that had blown against it.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Hydro wise.
Back in November at the public meeting Hydro speculated that the new generating unit [to replace the one destroyed in the fire] would most likely not be on site until September this year. This did not go down well with Hydro customers in town.
Well the good news is that the new unit arrived on the Astron this past Thursday. No fan fair or drum rolls, but it is sitting up near the mobile back up units.
Now getting it installed is another thing, but three months ahead of schedule is good news.

A couple of weeks ago CBC G-B did a piece on the lack of operational bath rooms at airstrips along the coast. Rigolett was cited as in the most dire need being without bathrooms for quite some time.
The bathrooms in Nain have been operational and clean for some time. Alas that is not the case now; they have been down since last week some time. Not sure why but hope they can be repaired post hast.
Imagine being on a flight say from GB to Rigolett, straight line only 40 minutes but many times you have to get on the flight that goes direct Nain then all stops back to GB. That means you are on the plane for 31/2 hours or so. Most people in the senior bracket would be busting for sure.

Hidden at the bottom of this story is a piece on how Hopedale RCMP contributed to the community spirit in a volunteer manner, good for them and congratulations.
CBC G-B did a nice piece on this story but have not got it up on pod cast as yet.
Nain RCMP have not been getting any good press of late, pity as some members have been visible volunteering at community functions and events, plus being involved with sports programs etc.
Well the good news is that the new unit arrived on the Astron this past Thursday. No fan fair or drum rolls, but it is sitting up near the mobile back up units.
Now getting it installed is another thing, but three months ahead of schedule is good news.
A couple of weeks ago CBC G-B did a piece on the lack of operational bath rooms at airstrips along the coast. Rigolett was cited as in the most dire need being without bathrooms for quite some time.
The bathrooms in Nain have been operational and clean for some time. Alas that is not the case now; they have been down since last week some time. Not sure why but hope they can be repaired post hast.
Imagine being on a flight say from GB to Rigolett, straight line only 40 minutes but many times you have to get on the flight that goes direct Nain then all stops back to GB. That means you are on the plane for 31/2 hours or so. Most people in the senior bracket would be busting for sure.
Hidden at the bottom of this story is a piece on how Hopedale RCMP contributed to the community spirit in a volunteer manner, good for them and congratulations.
CBC G-B did a nice piece on this story but have not got it up on pod cast as yet.
Nain RCMP have not been getting any good press of late, pity as some members have been visible volunteering at community functions and events, plus being involved with sports programs etc.
Friday, July 03, 2009
So there you have it, the first boats are in. There is one very important item missing from the list of arrived goods, can anyone guess what it is?
Just as we missed most of the winter storms we are missing the heat of summer. Goose Bay is suffering under severe heat for many days, bush fires are becoming more of a threat daily, why even the golf course has to be watered daily to keep the greens green.
Just as we missed most of the winter storms we are missing the heat of summer. Goose Bay is suffering under severe heat for many days, bush fires are becoming more of a threat daily, why even the golf course has to be watered daily to keep the greens green.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
It was pleasant day all round for Canada Day, hope everybody had a nice day too, except for those idiots who go around bashing on peoples doors early in the AM. Did not happen to us but others were rudely awoken by these recidivist drunks and druggies, some people never seem to grow up.
We attended the senior’s breakfast around 8.30. After that hardy meal we had to have a walk to work some of the calories off.
Later the parade did a run around town then a BBQ, games of chance ball games etc over at the ball field.
Fran attended the festivities while I did some clean up of rubbish along the street in the vicinity of the house. Then I did some work in the greenhouse, baked some dog biscuits for Siutik then BBQ some Calgary Stamped Real Beef Burgers for us, how patriotic is that then?
The Ranger [first boat] arrived around 6.40 PM. Quite a few people at the dock, would have been more only there was a radio bingo at the time [put on by Canada Day committee I think].
While it is always great to see the first boat arrive it does not have the same feel to it as years past.
Why now days there is a chain link fence around the docking and lay down area. People are kept to the speed boat dock and fish plant parking lot.
Only after the boat has docked and passengers disembarked can you gain access to the boat docking area.
This maybe for safety reasons but it still takes from the event.

Ranger making its way to the dock, 6:60 PM on 1 st July 2009.

We attended the senior’s breakfast around 8.30. After that hardy meal we had to have a walk to work some of the calories off.
Later the parade did a run around town then a BBQ, games of chance ball games etc over at the ball field.
Fran attended the festivities while I did some clean up of rubbish along the street in the vicinity of the house. Then I did some work in the greenhouse, baked some dog biscuits for Siutik then BBQ some Calgary Stamped Real Beef Burgers for us, how patriotic is that then?
The Ranger [first boat] arrived around 6.40 PM. Quite a few people at the dock, would have been more only there was a radio bingo at the time [put on by Canada Day committee I think].
While it is always great to see the first boat arrive it does not have the same feel to it as years past.
Why now days there is a chain link fence around the docking and lay down area. People are kept to the speed boat dock and fish plant parking lot.
Only after the boat has docked and passengers disembarked can you gain access to the boat docking area.
This maybe for safety reasons but it still takes from the event.
Ranger making its way to the dock, 6:60 PM on 1 st July 2009.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
On this Canada Day I would like to nominate Art Williams for president of Labrador. Mr. Williams, mayor of North West River, seems to have more chutzpa than any other male politician from this region in resent memory.
I guess he can expect a phone call any time after the premier returns to the province.
I guess he can expect a phone call any time after the premier returns to the province.
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