Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kick us when were down

why don’t ya.

Yes boy, not very nice of weatherunderground. I have had their URL for Nain Newfoundland bookmarked for some time. Have not used it for awhile but decided to click there today, look what they did!!!!!!!!!

Any way we can take it, we are proud and strong and can go it alone at the drop of a snow storm, or is that the other fellas down there? According to the radio the capital city is hunkering down for yet another storm.

We are approaching mid march, this is the snow month, bugger all to speak of to date, are we to get it all in a few short weeks, or not, looking like or not to me.

Sunny again -17 or so, boring as the GD and her ilk would say.

Just had an e mail for the people in Israel who were attempting to book a trip on the Northern Ranger for July. Joy of joys, they finely managed to book from over there, tenacious or what?

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