Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I sense a pattern developing.

After two days with almost fridge like temperatures we are now back in the freezer.
This is the pattern all winter, long periods with lows into the high twenties, couple days in the mid to low teens then whamo, back into the high twenties again. Looks like this time it is for the rest of the week at least.

What little now we had last week has blown away, very icy again out on the harbor and on the old dam. Old dame shown in the pictures. The up side is we did not get the -41 wind chill predicted over night, just -33.

Another puppy left the roost yesterday and now has a nice caring home down Bauline NL.

The trip was uneventful except for the adoring staff of Air Labrador. For the price of 63 bucks freight Sookie received rock star like treatment all the way, maybe it was the markings around her eyes, or her personality.

Also very helpful beyond reasonable was a friend in Goose Bay, let’s call him Buddy. Buddy picked Sookie up when she arrived at the freight shed there, took her home, fed and watered her, took her for a walk; let her nap on the sofa. Then with several rubber toys added to the carrier took her back to the airline counter and checked her through for the St. John’s flight. She got the counter treatment because the Air lab staff did not want her to sit out on the cold ramp waiting to be loaded. A big thank you all and I’m sure the new owner thanks you too.

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