Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Great day, but then the holidays are over.

It’s a great day out there, [-14 and rising, or in this case the lower the number the better] good one for the continuation of the Easter Games that are held both indoors and out on the harbor ice. They run usually the week after Easter while school is on their Easter break, After Easter Games sort of.

Good thing the school is out as the high school JHMS has another water line problem, this time a frozen line into the building, will we see another student walk out next week??
Also the Atsanik Lodge is without the use of over half its rooms due to a frozen water line.
Still a number of homes with frozen supply lines, my dire prediction of on going problems has turned out true, rather I was wrong though.

I keep wanting to go out and check the puppies, but I don’t have to do that any more, the last two were snapped up yesterday. Not sure if Siutik is celebrating of what but her behavior is more reminiscent of her pre pregnant days, sort of making up for the lost youth thingy maybe.


Shammickite said...

I had a Siberian Husky a long time ago. Sheba. She had 4 puppies and when they all went to good homes, she went out and killed 4 of the neighbours chickens in celebration!

Brian said...

Only one hen house around here and I’m sure that would be as secure as Fort Knox.

Siutiks biggest discretion is to tease any male dog that I let her get close to. Runs up and down in their face or around in circles, being on the end of leash I get a bit dizzy at times.