Yesterday was an amazingly crystal clear sunny calm day. That was outdoors. Got up to -11 official, -8 at the house, nature’s perfection in all its glory.
Indoors at the NMC was calm but anything but in its glory.
I have included three new photos of the front and back stairs, emphasis on the railings or balustrade.
A consolation prize goes to Anonymous for pointing out the gap between the
balustrades looked too wide. They are, and after some insistence it was discovered that an
amendum was issued to have these at 90cm centers instead of as per working drawings. Unfortunately the amendum did not find its way to the carpenters on the job, funny that, but not an anomaly on this project.

The main prize of identifying the lack of clearance of the two railings where they intersect goes unclaimed, and the issue goes un-dealt with by the consulting engineers at this time, but dealt with it will be.

By the way; the consolation prize was a trip to Dildo and an overnight stay at the Come By Chance motel, alas I have no idea who the person is or what address to send it to, so tuff, it goes back into the anon unclaimed prize cupboard.
So with the weather so good the Snow Job reference must have other connotations, well it does. I am still trying to figure out what went down the last two days, I am not alone I’m sure.
With the pre-commissioning and commissioning and hand over of the building all being attempted to take place in such a short time frame I can only assume some one figured that some one else just came down in the last snow storm. Well it’s been a long time since the last snow storm here me hardies, but down St. John’s way they get up to three a week.
The whole process did not get off to a very good start. First off we learn that the back up generator would not work, problem with the fuel pump lifting capacity. This has been resolved but will take some additions and time to install.
Then its discovered that the fresh air ventilation system [a very extensive and much needed unit] has not been tested, matter of fact it does not work due to the fact some one changed the outside venting of the exhaust duct work to go back down to the furnace room below.
Then we are still waiting for the replacement window for the radio sound proof rooms. This was broken at the dock back in November. It was taken out to be shipped by air the day before commissioning [Monday this week , puzzled look on face] The way it stands at the moment we are being told that it can’t fit on the aircraft [puzzled look on face].
Then there is the broken window in the TV meeting room. Broken a month ago and still not ordered.
Then there is the abomination that it the design of the sound proof radio interview/control rooms. Emphasis on the doors and the thickness of the wall studs at the moment.
So these things combined would make any sane person hesitant to do a word of mouth hand over of a multi million dollar building one would think, or am I being too harsh??????
There are the usual deficiencies that can be corrected, and are being, in short time frame. There is a problem with the lift door opening mechanism not operating correctly, I have to see if that is a minor or more serious issue.
So long story short. OKS does not officially have the building and there are some upset people out there with only themselves to blame.
lastly but most definitely not the least, we have some very disappointed Okalakatiget Society staff and board members, but all are willing to get it done right, or as right as it can be.