Monday, February 18, 2008

water issues part umpteenth

The potential water issue raised over the weekend is now an issue. How serious is yet to be determined, it is causing concern for the inside and outside staff of the Community Government, resources both financial and bodies on the ground have led to delays in dealing with it.
One other reason is that there are still 5 homes with frozen supply lines, it took about 2 weeks to dig and unfreeze the line to the old LIDC building, that has been completed, it is sort of like a one step forward two back situation.
In the meantime to the aforementioned problem: It has been determined that it is water leaking from the main line, chemical tests confirmed this. It is a reasonable assumption that it is coming from the leak that was unable to be fixed a couple of weeks ago. For some reason the water stopped running into the sewer line and is finding it's way down hill and heading for several homes and a warehouse. One other thing, the fire hydrant chamber for the area is full of water.
As mentioned the council can only do what they can do with resources available.

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