Friday, March 23, 2007

All most spring like.

Took this panorama of the airstrip end of town this morning from outside the power [hydro] plant. Note: just above the large beige building [primary school] you can make out the latest avalanche event from earlier this week.
My avalanche man from next door was up there doing his readings in -36c...... it’s Ok he’s Irish descent.
While up there I took some pictures of inside the hydro plant, will so something with them at a later date.

Lock out northern style. The things a bloke has to do to get to do a little work. First ya got’a work like a dog to even get near the gate, then ya got’a unfreeze the lock and dig more before you get to the delicate instruments.
Under the pyramids are a neutron monitor and a magnetometer.

1 comment:

Dogbait said...

It would take you all day to just get in there to read the meter!