Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Not long back in from digging out, against the advice of the better half. Snow was a foot up the storm door and the ski doo was in jeopardy of being totally covered, so out I went, crapped back or no.

As an addendum to the previous post. If my back was not in the shape it is, and we have weather like this, I would be saying-You beaudy, misses winter is back!

First photo is of neighbors, second is of ours with the machine sitting high, for now. Could not see much down centre of town with the wind really blowing down there.

For those that don’t know, we have a petroleum prices freeze up here in the winter months. It’s crappy when prices go down [not often] and great when prices go up.
As you can see by the graph we are still way too bloody high, we are at the bottom, Northern Labrador.


Charlie said...

These are obscene gas prices for Labrador especially. The fossil fuel industry has too much control in the world, there aren't enough competing energy alternatives to force those gouging companies to lower their prices. If an oil exec breaks a toenail, then that's an excuse to jack up prices.

Dogbait said...

Brrrr. Great photos! Only I would notice the meter on the side of the house. Do they read them quarterly or just in the sunnier months? If they read them in winter, you'd spend half the time digging for them!

Brian said...

Arrh, their a hardy bunch up this way, the meters are read once a month. Must be hard on the fingers at times, I would not like punching in the numbers in -40 wind chill.
Usually read about end of the month, give or take a few days in the winter.
I usually try and keep an access around that time. Houses are close together, some would be hard to get to through the snow. When it is too difficult you get “estimated” on your bill.