Friday, August 04, 2006

Breaking 2.

According to the company; workers have been brought in from outside of Labrador to keep the power plant operating at the site.
"This violates the letter of the Impact and Benefits Agreement [IBA] between the company and Aboriginal groups" according to the president of the Steel Workers local at the site. The president of the local also works in the power plant, when not on strike that is.
A spokes person for the Nunatsiavut Government said they are looking at the situation to see if any breaches have occurred.
Kind of a gray and muddy area if you ask me. An IBA has provisions for hiring percentages of local people, so what happens when the locals withdraw there labor? Wonder if that was taken into account in drawing up the IBA?


Nunatsiavut Government issued a press release on Tuesday [that I only noticed this morning] stating their concern that the IBA may have/is being breached due to the strike. It does not take sides and hopes that both sides can get the dispute over with quickly, so all parties are not overly impacted in negative way.

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