Sunday, October 17, 2010

The vivid contrasting colors of orange, greens, reds and yellows on the hills are fast fading and blending into drab shades of browns and dirty greens, but it has been great while it lasted.
Still anomalous temperatures for this time of year, up in the high single and low double digits.

There is some controversy brewing in T Dot over the police handling of protesters and citizens during the G8G20 boondoggle earlier this year. In this video "officer grumpy" seems to be handling the bubble blowing girl out of all proportion to the situation at hand. The female officer seems to be handling the situation as it seemed warranted, even looking a little shocked at officer grumpy's actions at one time.
Clicking on the full version of the video gives more perspective of the day.

1 comment:

Mechtild Opel said...

What they show in this video is so incredible, it is disconcerting. A reason more to be distredsed about the state of our "civilisation".
Thanks, Brian, for sharing.