Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I sent an email to a friend in Germany yesterday; he received and responded to it while sitting in a Boeing 777 on his way to Myanmar. Bloody amazing in it?

Any way the email was about a guy he met here last summer, Noah Nochasak was in early stages of building a kayak.
Now low and behold Noah is now almost to Natuashish with the intent on paddling back to Nain as well.
We know this because a guy in Natuashish had tracked Noah on satellite GPS and put the positions up on his facebook site. The guy from Natuashish then went out to check if all was OK and found Noah at a cabin; there are some amazing photos up of the kayak and the guys on the facebook site.


Shammickite said...

The way communications technology is forging ahead never ceases to amaze me. I'm totally left behind. Just imagine what our ancestors would think if they could be brought back to the present!

Old Brooktrout said...

Just think! Not too long ago, Noah's ancestors sent a letter by dogteam mail or "post kayak." Incredible!

Ken said...

Sounds interesting. Can you share the name on Noah's Facebook account so we can check out the pictures? thanks.

Brian said...

It was just about 35 years ago Nain was introduced to television, no wonder there is confusion with identity and such.

Ken; it is not Noah's account but a guy by name of Jim Nui. He has some great night shots of Noah's arrival at Natuashish too.