Thursday, September 03, 2009

Continuing on from previous:

Arguably the problems for the Inuit started several decades ago, but for our purposes recent history will have to suffice.
My chronology will not be accurate and I will miss or am not aware of some events, but what follows will give an idea of what has transpired leading up to today’s controversy:

Some year’s back Ray & Juanita Whalen arrive in town, word soon was spread that they are here to help out with the starving half dressed children and to administer the gospel according to Jesus and all that sort of stuff.
There were some that thought maybe they were here at the auspices of the established Pentecostal church who already had a pastor here living in a home with a small chapel at the rear.
I am not aware of what relationship the Whalen’s had/have with the Pentecostal Assembly. I suspect it may have been one of mutual respect at first but may have soured in the interim. The Whalen’s are more likely to be considered “Independent” by the Pentecostal Assembly, but who knows for sure.

Next thing we know is that Bill Prankard is in town doing some video and taking pictures around town along with the Whalen’s. In the same time frame the Whalen’s announce that every home in town will receive a Xmas hamper for Christmas.

Same time frame; Bill Prankard is doing his spiel on his television show down south saying all this negative shit about Nain and how he needs people to donate money so these brave souls, the Whalen’s, can continue their Jesus given vocation in saving the lost souls of the north.

This fund raising by Prankard was supposed to buy much needed food and clothing and to purchase a home in town so the Whalen’s could continue the work of Jesus plus provide shelter for roaming missionary types in the summer months.

The negative way Nain was portrayed by Prankard down south caused quite a stir amongst some Nain natives. Angry letters were sent to the media.

Nonetheless money must have rolled in because the Whalen’s purchased the home [arguably the largest per sq ft in Nain] with a big lot of land and a view to die for.

So come that Christmas, and without doing a means test, the Whalen’s have their little local elves out dropping off these hampers to every home in town.
How bloody bold, conceited, disdainful, domineering, egotistic, forward, haughty, imperious, overbearing, pushy and rude are these people????
When the knock came at our door I told the elves NO THANKS. The elves looked scared and kept looking out the window where outside there were more people doing stuff, so I said OK leave it and thank you. At the first opportunity we gave the stuff away to people more in need.

Time passes, summer times see these small groups of people arrive doing activities with kids, parallel programs that the Nain Inuit Community Government [NICG] runs. Adds for AA meetings at the Whalen’s go up, another parallel program run by NG. According to various outside web sites and facebooks there are days where kids go to the house and are fed. There are spiritual gatherings at the house.

One summer several containers are landed loaded with used furniture, mattresses and clothing. From my observations some people with good jobs and vehicles were carting off some of the the loot, no means test applied here either, but it looks good for the suckers down south.
Other shipments of clothing and food arrive by plane.

The Whalen’s travel extensively during this time, they also have several vehicles for transport around town.

Next we know the Whalen’s have purchased the land, containing a shed type structure, next to their house.

Fast track to 2008/09. I do not know the order but all of a sudden the Whalen’s have applied for, and received approval from NICG, for a residential lot of land as well as a commercial lot of land up in the newest sub division.

NICG receives an application from "Shinning Light Ministries" for re zoning a section of land behind lot 106 Middlepath Road from ENVIRONMETALY PROTECTED to MIXED DEVELOPMENT.
Lot 106 is the land next to the house Whalen’s purchased.

Now it seems that "SLM" are the owners of lot 106 and the house next door.

Ray Whalen is the owner of the two lots up in the new subdivision. Materials for a warehouse on the commercial lot and for a house on the residential lot are already on site. So it would seem that NICG have given approval for these two structures to go up.

Meantime back at lot 106 things have hit a snag for the "SLM". "SLM" wants to reclaim about 30 feet x the width of lot 106 of ENVIRONMENTALY PROTECTED LAND to build a ‘community outreach center’.
Hearings have to take place undertaken by the NICG and conducted by their town planner. Consultations are planned both in private and public forums. Then a public meeting has to be held to provide community input.

So Bill and Rays presumptuous plans of having their proposed $1.2 million ‘community outreach center’ built on lot 106 post haste are not going so well.

That’s right folks, 1.2 million bucks.

Then there is the house and storage shed up in the newest sub division, and the house they live in now and they are off traveling for a month.

Are there any questions about where all the money for all this is coming from??? More importantly, how much money goes toward the starving half clothed children and how much goes to administration and housing and travel and the like????

In the mix we have the arrival in town recently of a lady from "TrueNorthAid". "TNA"" gets into trouble with some locals with her facebook page. "TNA" lady pulls all the critiques from the page saying it is a ‘fan page’ and if you want to contact her with concerns go to "TNA" web page, yeah right!

We then learn that the "TNA" lady is the granddaughter of ol Bill Prankard and that "TNA" received government funding to get started.

Several locals have expressed their disappointment with what is going on with "TNA" in another facebook page; you can add your two cents worth here if you like.

To be continued.


dannytoro1 said...

As the saying in the south goes "Goodgooglymoolgy". One almost expects to find golden bathroom fixtures and heated fanny heaters in their bathroom. This sounds suspiciously like Jim and Tammy Faye Baker building their little theifdom. I thought religious types were to swear off worldly possessions? Sounds like they are in the property business. Apparently I'm confused by the sins of my forefathers I suppose. Good Grief. Thanks. I've already posted warnings on a few political BBS boards. It's a pity these types so defame legitimate groups.

Tom said...

This is an interesting report. I'm no northern expert. I've been to Nain a few times, spent a few nights at the Atsanik Lodge/Hotel, tied up on a ship etc. While the Strategic prayer thing has some questionable content, I can't fathom the Whalen's moving to Nain as some sort of get rich scheme. I am aquainted with them enough to reject that notion. I guess that you are publicizing this and welcome commments. As I follow your blog I'm doing so :) My warning lights go on when you say that giving out Christmas hampers is somehow "bloody bold, conceited, disdainful, domineering, egotistic, forward, haughty, imperious, overbearing, pushy and rude". Objectively, "giving" is a core Christian principle. If they are giving with the right motives, they will be blessed. You, of course, are smart to question anyone's motives. I just can't see the big deal. If all of their giving, helping, and otherwise "proximity and presence" in the community is not honest and legitimate, then they will ultimately fail. If it is legit, then we might consider helping them, or at least leave them be ??

Brian said...

Hi Tom,
I checked your blog out regularly; keep a tight gripe on that oar.

Depending on the guest list a few nights at the Atsanik could give one a cultural awakening for sure. But usually it is just a regular northern hotel.

In your brief stays at/in Nain you seem to have formed a positive opinion of the Whalen’s, yet there is no mention of the town itself or the people who inhabit it, I wonder if you have formed any opinions and how they were arrived at, if any.

As to red flags; reading though the literature of many of the various funding groups that are supporting the Whalen’s red flags pop up all over the place for many people on the coast of Labrador. One article in particular at TNA raised quite a stir here in Nain. I did not see the article but it was provocative enough for one you lady to form a facebook page asking for comments on it. The offending piece and other miss information about Nain has been removed from that sight and it has shut down any comments from people who are not “friends” of TNA.
There is much more offending written and photographic PR style material associated with these groups, I lot of misinformation is bandied about by people who just have no clue about this place.
I have overheard some of it myself, and down at the dock. Then there is the offence of all offences of the STS read out in the church, and the way it was done.

As to my harsh words on the hampers I make no apologies. I can’t understand why any one would not be upset if they knew that their $50.00 donation to feed the children and disenfranchised of Northern Labrador helped buy Christmas hampers for a two income family earning 80 plus grand a year. Or even 30 grand a year. That takes ‘giving’ to a whole new level.
Now if it was to go to a family on welfare or seasonal workers then I would have no trouble with that.

As to’ leaving them’ be. That is why we are where we are at at the moment, too much ‘leaving be’.

Tom said...

I just remember the Atsanik being too hot to sleep, but the meals seemed pretty good. In 1989, we landed on the wharf in Nain in a helicopter. I was there to recover some water level data from the tide gauge / shack. I remember a quite intoxicated local, who sat on the wharf dangerously close to the tail rotor, and when we wanted to leave, he refused to move. We pleaded with him to no avail, so the pilot said to me "I'm going to start up the machine, if he heads for the tail rotor, push him over the wharf (and into the water)." Of course I was 20 years younger then :)
Thankfully, he stumbled away and the whole affair was otherwise uneventful. That was my introduction to Nain. From that time period, I remember a kindly gent who used to allow me into his home to use his phone, Also, in 1989 I was there on the Canadian Survey Ship Baffin, and a couple of times, we invited the locals on-board for a Sunday afternoon BBQ. But really, I didn't get enough exposure to form any reasonable opinions. The town seemed to vary, like any other; good looking areas, some not so nice. I guess it seemed isolated. I do remember that there were numerous children who seemed like they needed care. As for the Whalens, I formed no opinion of them in Nain. I simply grew up an hour from their home. I believe the missus is from the same town as me, so I know some extended family members etc. Until I read it here, I had no idea they were in Nain. I just don't see them as misleading skinflints :)
As for the hampers, good point about the 80 grand folk getting one. Not too strategic I guess. Perhaps some "givers" would be offended at the thought, but I've seen donations go to less honorable destinations. When it comes to the Gospel of Jesus, and some of the strategic prayer stuff, well that's been offending people ever since it was first proclaimed. Jesus said "If you really love me, feed my sheep". There have always been those of us who will choose to ignore any good that is done, and point to the not-so-good. For me, I couldn't care less if a few hampers end up in the hands of those who don't really need them. Perhaps the gesture will inspire them to further charity. I'm a believer in the phrase "something is not nothing". The Whalens seem to be doing "something", when so many choose to do "nothing". Of course, I'm just reading biased reports on the internet, and adding them to my own biases to form an opinion. You're there on the ground everyday, so you are likely more informed and knowledgeable...interesting stuff though...I didn't mean to blather so long, cheers Brian.

Josh d said...


You're the one with the agenda. I'm with Tom, why are you so bothered? it sounds like Ray's "agenda" conflicts with your own. reading through your posts is like listening to a preacher, just preaching the opposing view. You sound angry.

Why be so annoyed with Christian spirituality? So what, they pray for forgiveness? A lot of hurtful stuff happens all over the place, in families and beyond. Why not ask for forgiveness/forgive those around us? regardless of your faith, forgiving someone and being forgiven are very powerful things.

ray's from st. john's. dudes actually from nl. you're from brisbane. why are you knocking him so hard? he's a legitimate local, that's his own province.

i guess that in light of the conversation, i don't know why you are so mad at these guys. check your own heart man, you sound like an angry preacher in your posts. you're preaching your own doctrine, against theirs. it's gonna take more than your one sided blog posts to tear down what they're doing.

Brian said...

My my my Josh D, with so many contradictions in one post it is hard to address them all.

You’re obviously another who has maybe spent a couple of nights here and all of a sudden you’re an expert.

If by what sounds angry to you means speaking truth to power then I am angry. Speaking the facts usually is not considered angry, but when it challenges the so called Christian values you espouse you are the guys who get angry.

Praising the lord and praying for forgiveness for others is a great way to indoctrinate other cultures into your way of thinking.
Meanwhile showering trinkets and ‘big give a ways’ to keep the natives quite.

Your knowledge of the Inuit and Labrador could be written down on a pin head. You state [ray's from st. john's. dudes actually from nl. you're from brisbane. why are you knocking him so hard? he's a legitimate local, that's his own province].

For anyone from Newfoundland to claim they are a legitimate local to a Labradorian is like waving a red flag at a bull.

Most will not say it to your face, but rest assured soon as you are out of sight it will be said.

So seeing as you are so enlightened perhaps you could enlighten the unenlightened as to what exactly Ray and his ilk are doing here. Who is paying for all these good deeds? Maybe you don’t but I find it strange that a couple appear out of nowhere and within several years [in a town of housing shortages and land shortages] have acquired four lots of land, arguably the largest house in town and a warehouse that the council was misinformed as to its purpose in the building application. There are many other little bits of ‘misinformation’ that Ray and company espouse I could address also, but then I am only a little Blogger with one sided views according to you.

To quote another Newfoundlander of questionable values, nothing could be further from the truth.