I have had a cold for the past few days, first cold for many a year, must have been all the bragging to people with colds about me/us taking Echinacea.
It seems to be breaking, now for the worst part, all that coughing and blowing the nose.
Besides racking my brain and searching for info on religious zealots I have been busy in the kitchen. Made a small batch of bread Wednesday, shame I could not smell the result.
I also made up a batch of rhubarb chutney and a double batch of rhubarb relish yesterday. I over cooked the relish a bit but it must taste OK, it received the royal seal of approval last night, Fran had ¼ of a jar with the meat pie, Fran is very fussy about condiments. Or perhaps that was a statement on the meat pie.
I had harvested our one rhubarb plant, about 3 pies worth I figure and had just taken the bread out of the oven when Stephanie dropped in some more rhubarb harvested up north some place, hence the making of the condiments.
On dropping the rhubarb off Steph said, “nice smell in here”, then, “see you” and left the building. 90 seconds later Steph re entered the building waving a $5 note and said “can I have one of those loafs of bread?” Kids!
The Northern Ranger docked at 5 pm yesterday, 281/2 hours behind schedule, mainly due to bad weather last trip south. She had at least a handful of tourists on board as well as a good contingent from Natuashish who came over for some shopping, pity the store shelves have not been re stocked adequately.
Now to wrap the SLM, TNA, BPCT and the many more associates and affiliates whoever they may be.
I have tried my hardest to be rational and understanding about these people and groups.
I feel there is a need, small as it may be, for a food bank. Maybe the people at NG will take note. There is most likely a need for people to access second hand cloths and furniture and the like, it is bloody expensive to buy those things new here and Canada Post charges makes it almost impossible for many people to receive many items by mail, another note for NG.
In any community there are always people on the margins financially. Nain and the Labrador Coast are no different than any other place I have seen first hand.
Actually people in general are better off here than many big city neighborhoods and it sure is better off than many African, Asian and South American areas we see and hear about in the media daily.
I see not evidence of malnutrition; no one is perishing in the streets.
Many kids who wear inadequate winter clothing has more to do with fashion in many cases. Kids hanging out around the waters edge or in the woods or around the streets have more to do with JUST BEEING KIDS than anything else. Some kids [and adults] being arse holes and vandalizing has more to do with being modern day kids than not having a home to go home to.
Sure there are exceptions, same as anywhere else. I see many kids who do not receive much love and caring, you can see it in their eyes and how they carry themselves.
But there are programs and there are people who care and there are places for them to go, and you do not have to swear allegiance to idols or shamans or Jesus or god or Mohammad etc.
Nunatsiavut and the Nunatsiavut Government are in the early stages of development.
Nunatsiavut was formed as a self governing land for the Inuit of Labrador.
One of the mandates of NG is to protect and enhance the language and culture of the Inuit of Nunatsiavut.
Whether one agrees with it or not the Moravian Church and it’s Lutheran based beliefs have become part and parcel of the Inuit culture over many centuries of exposure to it.
NG receives criticism from time to time for what seems to be slowness in dealing with many day to day issues, me being one of the critics. Yet this criticism is more in line with getting people to act faster and in line with the mandates that NG have, at least it is from my perspective.
Now if you look through the writings and web sites of those afore mentioned Zealots you will find many things, some strange and some quite weird.
What you won’t find is any empathy or thoughts or enthusiasm about preserving Inuit culture and language.
It is all about
bringing in outside influences to convert under the guise of helping out the poor and disenfranchised.
No mention of the centuries of Inuit culture, ways of life unique to harsh northern climates.
No nothing like that, just get in there and convert as many as possible starting with the children using any means possible. Any means possible with these people means material things and money thrown around like a drunken sailor with a hole in his pocket.
Shinning Light Ministries of Nain seems to be a creation of the Whalen’s. I understand they have a BOD but I do not know who or how many are on this board.
If one Google SLM you get a lot of info about an international ministry with affiliations all over the world.
I was wondering if
SLM Nain was affiliated with the bigger SLM. I e mailed the Canadian chapter and asked it SLM Nain and the alleged pastor here was affiliated. No cigar, never heard of the individuals or the ministry in Nain was the reply.
This is not to imply any sinister intentions by anyone; it is just for information purposes.
There does seem to be a pattern developing the more searches ones does though. Many of the ‘ministries’ and individuals that have been to Nain to see what the Whalen’s are doing all eventually end up back at Bill Prankard and his ministries one way or the other.
Now I have to get ready to go down to NG for a meeting with the VP. Not had one of those for many a year.
A little time later:No meeting with the VP of NG eventuated, does not have the relevant info as yet.
If the truth were know it really was just a test to see if anything had changed, not yet apparently.