Friday, November 07, 2008

This time of year is a bit on the blargh side up this way. The hills have no color except brownish and green. There is white interspersed amongst the blargh, the temperatures are about – 4 to -5, the wind tends to blow a lot giving chills in the – 10 to 12 range.
It is sort of in between, too warm for winter wear and too cold for fall wear.

The new Northern store has its floor joists down and now they are putting insulation and the plywood down.

Over at the new Nunatsiavut building things are on the go sort of. As mentioned before the sub contractor left the job and town. The contractor brought in two guys and there is one local there at moment. The bottom walls are going up slowly.
I noticed some guys who were working with the sub contractor on this job now over at the Northern job.
Wonder what shtick is gong on here eh. Story behind story but no one is saying if anyone really knows.

I have been busy slaving over the tandoor the later part of week, almost got it beat, have not had much of a chance for any long excursions outside, Siutik is not pleased, needs to run.

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